
Living in a ‘factors leading to’ paragraph is terrifying.

I personally LOVED how he would make up entire scenarios in his mind and say “ it must have happened that way.” Like what!? “Meredith must have confronted Amanda about her loose morals and Amanda must have said *oh yea? You watch what happens to big mouths NOW!* yep it had to have happened that way”

I fully expect a lot of “It died with Fable II/III” mess.

Women say practical things like “but we have stalls in and I don’t care what goes on in the next one, as long as they don’t pee on the seat.”

first man i see go in a girls bathroom, that man will be using the bathroom through a straw in a hospital for a month.

Interesting how this ad seems to be targeting mostly heterosexual men (and possibly married lesbians, but I doubt it). Ted Cruz doesn’t care what you think if you’re a woman, because in that case you should probably leave the politics to the men. Don’t worry, we’ll look for you....

Because those of us who have experienced it like to know that there are other people out there who went through it and thrived. This *IS* focusing on her gifts. IT’S INSPIRING, GUY

OK, fair.

Nowhere was I arguing that the story wasn’t stupid. It’s not a Pinkhams law thing. If the lady knew there was a chance of cross contamination then she shouldn’t have eaten there. And bringing her own toaster is hilarious and absurd.

My posts are responding to commenter saying that cross contamination at that scale is

Uhm...actually FUCK YES.

A coworker of mine has severe celiacs disease and if she even touches her daughter’s pasta or toasts her toast in the same toaster oven she. gets. sick.

It’s a fucking allergy, it works the same way.

yeah, doesn’t pertain directly to the story, since the customer was just bat-shit crazy and not really suffering from celiac disease, but most people who actually do suffer from celiac disease (not speaking for them all, obviously) would probably rather places not offer gluten-free products when they don’t give a shit

Oh, come on. Give her a fucking break. It was the 90’s when she started writing HP books. Things in terms of racial inclusion have really changed since then.

Twelve Asshats Running

I go to one around here that sells them 2lbs for $1 from time to time, stock up and freeze a couple whenever they do the sale.

Now playing

“In the future, if you’re wondering, ‘Crime. Boy, I don’t know,’ is when I decided to kick your ass.”

My husband and I got a wonderful one that my best friend’s husband hand-picked from Specs (local-ish liquor/treat superstore).

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

If she stripped down to sexy lingerie I’d be with you, but I appreciate her showing how the sausage gets made. Even the slimmest celebs are spanxed to the gills under their beautiful outfits and nude spandex is not flattering!


Last F***able Day, indeed. LOL