
And the first of the new Muppet movies for “Smalltown” -- heavily featured and totally noticeable in “Life’s a Happy Song!”

Just as a thought -- “Gender-neutral usage of actor has re-emerged in modern English, especially when referring to male and female performers collectively, but actressremains the common term used in major acting awards given to female recipients and is common in general usage.”

*Shrug* I have eczema, and my dermatologist told me to wash pits and privates and that (unless I’ve been in mud or covering myself in paint, etc.) everything else is covered by the rinse, and intentionally soaping/scrubbing is likely to make my skin worse.

My husband and I danced to “Book of Love” (the Peter Gabriel version) — only about 3ish minutes and, at least for us, the right mix of irreverent and genuinely sweet.

Would never do it to a pizza place, but I live on the East Coast and when we’re digging homemade pizza but don’t have time to let dough rise (or if we’re feeling lazy) our local bakery has a wicked pizza dough you can purchase for like $2 for a pound, ready to roll out and makes at least two decent sized pizzas.

Now playing

In times like these (and there have been too many times like these) I often turn to the idealized world of the West Wing.

As a BG grad, I’d be a little surprised if the university responded that strongly to homophobia. Pleasantly surprised, but definitely surprised.

The following organizations are providing aid to Vanuatu — Oxfam, save the children, unicef, the Red Cross, and UMCOR — the last of which 100% of your donation goes directly to aid, rather than also paying for overhead. Many organizations also have lists of supplies needed, if you'd rather donate items than money.

Absolutely this! I can wax poetic about the many qualities of my Prius C, but acceleration is NOT one of them...

I'm aware this is focusing on NOT the point of the article, but... Street racing in a Prius? Really?

Others have expertly addressed the issues you've raised, but I'd just like to add, I eat out fairly frequently, in both the Midwest and New England, and I very, very rarely, if ever, come across a server who genuinely deserves the descriptor "nasty". I can't think of one in the last 5 years. At most genuinely decent

I got married in June, and used a really cool DIY place that orders the flowers for you, AND does a class with you to teach you how to do it all (literally with your wedding flowers) so while you arrange them yourself, there really isn't a way to screw it up. Bridesmaids bouquets, my bouquet, boutonnieres for

Somehow, regardless of an awesome "oh shit" kit from one of my bridesmaids, and a highly organized approach to the day, Mr. Dramedies and I managed to forget condoms. I'm on the pill, but with the insanity of the week, we weren't about to rely on that as our only form of birth control. My sister and her fiancée had

My dress was form fitting, but not so tight I couldn't breathe, but between the just tight enough dress and the stress about being the center of attention (which I hate) I didn't manage more than a few bites here and there. I was pissed about that, because our food was freaking fantastic, but it just wasn't happening.

It's affecting the herd immunity — there are kids with autoimmune diseases who literally can't be vaccinated, and it's putting them at risk.

I love Penzey's. If someone gave me a set of their spices for my wedding, I'd be 12 kinds of thrilled — best quality spices for the best price.

While I think Emily Blunt is delightful in general, she is on record as saying "I'm not the greatest singer in the room by any means, but I'll have fun trying trying." She's not great casting to begin with, but combined with the fact that she ADMITS she's not a strong singer who has been cast in this role that is

That's in the eye of the beholder. As a soon to be bride I would be thrilled with such a thoughtful, personal gift. He describes a varied basket with gourmet oils and pastas, and fun sweets to eat on the wedding night. I think it's great!

There are two utterly beautiful versions of this play, the Kenneth Branagh and the Tennant/Tate, and I'm thrilled to have what I'm assuming will be an amazeballs third added to the mix. I can think of nothing better than having so many options to watch my favorite of Shakespeare's comedies (and internally re-live the

Adding to the list of adaptations, the web series "Lizzie Bennet Diaries" which has been quite enjoyable, I'm somewhat surprised to say considering I tried and never could get invested in Pride and Prejudice.