
just do your god damn hours. fuck. it’s not that hard. i have clients who manage to do all their hours, got to all their AA/NA meetings, therapy appointments, finish school, and find jobs.
and no one gave them a million fucking chances (because they’re all poor foster kids or POC or anything else that isn’t a rich

The protester later was quoted as saying he didn’t believe this would negatively affect his career in the Senate.

aaaaand I win

she's adorable but that fucking video was TORTURE to watch.

I like how apparently in Egyptian mythology, it is often the goddesses that will frell you up.

I had a discussion with a man online who repeatedly used the word female, so I asked him if he knew it was offensive to many. He said he did and that's why he used it. I further pressed him and he said he did not view women as human beings and thus deserved the "female" terminology used to describe animals. It was a

Here is the thing (and I'm sure I'm about to piss a lot of people off, but I'm going to say it anyway): Both of my sons are autistic. They were autistic before they had their shots, and we saw signs before they were vaccinated. We vaccinated them anyway, because vaccines do not cause autism.

Do you know why the Packers are in the new movie? Because a group of them are huge fans of Pitch Perfect and kept tweeting about how much they loved it and how badly they wanted to be in the new movie. The producers saw the tweets and invited them to join the cast for a small part.

Yes thank you, I got stuck on that bit too. I think I'm trying to tune out the rest of it for my mental health.

You can't say that Ron Jeremy is not nice and then not give any details!!

She does get a pretty significant subplot in the finale movie. She wants to go to the black university her dad and grandmother went to so she doesn't have to feel like the token black kid all the time. Her parents are pressuring her to go to an ivy. She's so used to being perfect and pleasing that she can't stand

"This is the first installment of "Fake Friends," a series about fictional female friendships"

I lost it when she stuck that tiny little stretchy hand to the fridge.

I own a Prius. I love my Prius. But it takes the damn thing about 45 seconds just to get to 35 mph.

So he's not happy just trolling and threatening Ms. Wu, he also has to go out and troll random people on the highways.

He wasn't even street racing, lmao! He even says it in the video that he was "street racing" by driving really fast and trying to "challenge" other drivers on the highway. Like, he's got this notion of what street racing is from watching too many Fast and Furious movies. It would be hilarious if this guy wasn't so

If the dude wasn't so batshit insane terrifying this would be hilarious. Especially the part where he's whining that he "wasn't even drunk, just street racing". Like really dude, you're trying to street race in your mom's crappy Prius and when you crash it it's somehow a woman's fault?

You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.

I truly think that might be the only time "street racing" and a "Prius" have been used in the same sentence.