
Herroom.com has fantastic selection, a bra finder questionnaire, and has generally been delightful all of the times I've made purchases. I recommend it highly!

My husband also occasionally pulls a "melk" AND says "pellow" rather than "pillow" which always makes me giggle.

Manic Pixie Dream Date Planner plans hauntingly beautiful quirky dates for those to busy to be spontaneous, but alas, fails to find love himself... until... Wait! Genuine manic pixie dream girl is pursued by boring but not monetarily challenged client of said planner, and he falls madly and eccentrically in love with

You pop your "chap" anywhere near my Nutella, and I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.

It is traditionally performed as a series of monologues. I had friends who did the show in college, though I know that it can be done in a whole lot of different ways, but when we did it, it was always a group of women who performed (as a play) the monologues from this book. They tied ours (always on V-Day) to

Don't turn in your feminist card, consider reading if you can't get to one!

Future Mr. Dramedies and I discussed pearl ring, and while I love them, they easily fall apart, get dented, and the pearl can actually fall out of the setting, is what we've learned, because of the challenges of getting it into the setting in the first place. We're currently engaged sans ring, and have discussed the

Some (generally local, smaller) moving companies will assist in furniture, one time deal kind of things. I mean, you'd have to pay, but they have the equipment and know how with which to do it properly and without injury to sofa, building, or human being.

And that's not uncommon. Men who kill their wives after years of abusing them and all manner of violence consistently get less time than women who kill their abusers. And by less time, I mean SIGNIFICANTLY less time.

I completely agree that it was himself and his poor decisions to blame, I think there's something to be said for the more extreme Christian sects which put so much emphasis on patriarchy and a man's "right" to do as he deems necessary to control and rule his home that lay the foundation for such dysfunctional

I have a medical condition which requires me to take contraception. It's called not wanting to be pregnant. Add an "itis" onto the end and it sounds totally legit.

Yes, because every teenager who is bullied online is bullied by people who are anonymous and halfway across the country. And every teenager who is bullied is emotionally developed enough to be able to understand to do this.

And in my 5 years of college, how did I miss THOSE parties? Damn... May have to go back for grad school now...

Not only are Catholic schools doing this, but several diocese as well. My insurance is currently through my Dad's job, which is for a Catholic church. The Bishop has decided that if he has to provide us heathens who use birth control health insurance that covers it, he just won't provide the employees of the diocese

Typically used in regard to those who utilize theatre as a means of education, most commonly not connected to a school, but rather freelance or connected to a company, who serve in a variety of schools. The company I now work for sends me into elementary schools to teach theatre based enrichment classes, one I used to

And if she turns out to be not entirely human...

You can watch the full documentary here [www.mediaed.org] (if you're willing to watch through the "For Preview Only" sign, which I was) and it talks about the same thing. It's a great point, and one worth making over and over again until the purity folk begin listening!

I lived there. It's true.

I still pick up the Tamora Pierce/Patricia C. Wrede books and read all of them every few years, and still keep up with new series. I honestly think I'm the woman I am today at least in part due to the Alanna series, and to Cimorene of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. These young women are incredible role models, and I