
I'm involved with several companies which send teaching artists into schools to deal with the subject of bullying, and what many of these companies have found is that the most effective way to help students is to talk about the bully and the victim a whole lot less than the bystanders. If we teach students who don't

Not to mention that in the poorest urban schools, my high schoolers who have gotten jobs to support their families have regularly fallen behind in schoolwork, and have been more likely to drop out. I'm usure of the statistics across the board, but those students who are "of age" who are working have less of an

I likewise grew up in Ohio, and whenever I would hear native Ohioans speaking with a Southern accent and displaying the Confederate flag I wanted to smack them upside the head and remind them that WE WERE THE NORTH. And also that they're racist jerks. Especially the ones who have turned the entire back end of their

Unrelated to the actual post, but I just applied for "income based repayment" of my student loans because I could only find part time employment (making around $425/month from my primary job) and that deferred them for a year, things might feel a little more manageable! Worth looking into, if you haven't yet.

Roslin also was able to provide guidance, albeit often ignored guidance, to Kara, and even some of the sixes and eights from time to time. Happy to fly up that geek flag with you!

In addition to the other responses, I'd argue that some parents are hellbent on allowing their children to be the bullies, evidenced by the article in question.

And if you listen to his speeches backward they all say "Paul is Dead."

I just talked about this with my boyfriend tonight. He and I have been together for about 5 years, and are discussing the logistics of getting married, being the ridiculously practical and non-traditionally romantic people that we are. One of his students today kept calling me Mrs. HisLastName and I kept correcting

I had been using "girly" razors until I got a package of samples for spending money on makeup at Ulta, which included a wicked nice Gilette razor. I got the smoothest, closest, most comfortable shave I've ever gotten, and wouldn't go back for anything. Also, surprisingly, I suck at shaving, and cut myself constantly,