Dr. Mabuse

I used to do the same, which is how I came to that conclusion.


They could still have cousins. And parents. And siblings they don’t know about, so genetic sexual attraction.

That’s true, which is why some people “preserve” their livers in alcohol.

Are you sure that it’s real though? It sounds like something someone would write when they took Ambien and stayed up instead of going to sleep.

What the hell did I just read?

Not a milk drinker either. It just sounds... foul. I’ve grown up drinking Vernor’s and have never heard of anyone doing that. Perhaps it’s an elderly uncle thing?

I have never mixed it with milk and do not plan on testing that theory out.

I have not! I’ll have to look for it.

Ah. That sounds... tough.

It would have been “Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk” to the nth power.

What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?

I’m not a big lighter beer person- I’m a stout and porter kind of gal. But if I am going to drink a lighter beer, it will be a weiss/hefeweizen.

Oh, that’s a good one too. God, I miss him. Can you imagine if he hadn’t died so young, the creative output he would have had during the Bush years? Right now, even? (Yes, I know he’d be in his early 70s. Roger Waters is still writing and performing, he’s the same age. See also: Neil Young.)

Very true. Was it his Crossfire appearance? Because that was brilliant. He also went to bat against PMRC, and testified before congress against that nonsense. When he released an album after they decided to put those stupid “parental advisory” labels on covers, they put on one his, despite the album being

I know that voice all too well. You kind of have to just push right through it.


I always want to hear his guitar arrangements. He’s probably the most underrated rock guitarist/musician of all time.

The drink of The Dude! Nice choice.

There’s really nothing like it when you’re not feeling well. It’s the best of the best, and no other ginger ales compare.