Dr. Mabuse

That’s amazing that your cousin has been able to rebound from treatment like that and thrive. And yes, they make medical advancements all of the time. But not everyone wants to be a guinea pig. Not everyone wants to go through all of that to maybe sort of have a chance of making it. I sure as hell wouldn’t. And it’s

Julia Child reigns over cooking show heaven, naturally. She has bake-offs every Tuesday and Saturday, and all of the meals are luscious and divine, yet have zero calories.

The thing with cancer research is, there’s no one type of cancer. It’s not like breast cancer = leukemia = melanoma. So research is all well and good, but there’s so many different types, that do different things, that have to be treated different ways, that it almost seems futile. I’m with you on the vaping thing,

As Warren Zevon said in his last live performance: enjoy every sandwich.

If you’re an Ohioan like me, you hate him even more.

That’s a big part of it, indeed. You should also see the Marshall amp set-up we have going there. It’s impressive. David Bowie’s welcome home party was quite the spectacle.

They only call in the best for these sorts of situations. If you think reality show heaven is rad, you should see rock star heaven.

I never watched the show either, just saw clips of her on The Soup, and Joel McHale did his Joel McHale thing. If the show was still on, I’m sure there’d be a small memorial for her on this week’s episode, the way there was for Whitney Houston.

It’s high, but superficial drama where everyone just makes bitchy comments and smug faces at each other, then kiss and make up at the end of the episode. The Gatorade canteen of wine helps things along. There’s an Ativan dispenser in the ladies’ room, too.

Where the ratings are great, the plastic surgery is free, painless and with no recovery time whatsoever, and the wine flows from Gatorade canteens.

Man, 55 years old is so young to die of such an aggressive cancer. I’m not aware of this woman’s existence outside of clips of her shown on “The Soup”, but it’s sad for her family and friends.

I feel worse for her than I do for any of us- at least, for those members of the family who had the power to end the madness and chose not to. Watching an 80-some-odd year old woman collapse into sobs and think that people coming into her room were Nazis was freaking terrible. She didn’t deserve that. No one does. And

Good god, what on earth for? That sounds like an absolute nightmare, especially for someone in his condition.

I heard about that book. My parents are nurses, and so is Cindymoo, and they feel the same way. Stage one or two cancer, fine, treat it. But stage three pancreatic cancer? Stage four colon or ovarian cancer? Leukemia when you’re in your 70s+? Surgery to remove the tumors for comfort purposes and palliative care,

I said that where? For me, I wouldn’t. If you want to fight brain cancer and go through chemo and radiation, have at it. Be my guest. It’s your choice. For my life, if I was stage four, I would choose not to fight it. THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH EITHER CHOICE.

I’m sorry for your loss. But really, that’s the way I would go about it too. Remove it, but nothing drastic. It’s amazing how random life and death is, and how what strikes you dead could be the exact opposite thing of what you think it would be. Musician Warren Zevon, for example, was a pack a day smoker and

Very true. Even with assisted suicide legal in certain jurisdictions and countries, which can take a lot of the worst, most painful parts leading up to death out of there, there’s still a lot of grief to deal with at the end stages of life. That’s so sad about your dad, and I’m sorry. My dad is turning 64 this year,

It depends on how you look at it. If you know your life is going to get immeasurably worse from here on out because of a terminal illness, I’d rather go out on my own terms, while I still have my mental capabilities, and am not a burden on my loved ones. I don’t want their last memories of me crying out in pain, with

I’m sorry your grandma went through that. My family is Catholic too, yet both sides went with vastly different approaches. Aunt Geri’s was swift and with palliative care, and Babcia’s was long and drawn out, her wishes be damned. I’m grateful that when my Busia’s second husband, who was the only grandfather I ever

Awesome. I’m not attracted to men in the least, and I think he looks sexy as hell on that poster.