Dr. Mabuse

Go Aunt Jean! That’s sad, but great. My Aunt Gerri and your Aunt Jean’s approach were vastly different to my Babcia’s approach. While my dad and his one sister wanted to let her go due to her ovarian cancer and Alzheimer’s, something she wanted as well, since they weren’t her power of attorney and my other aunt and

My great Aunt Gerri was diagnosed with leukemia last January. Instead of fighting it, due to her advanced age, she and her family decided that palliative care was the way to go and they brought in hospice care. She died two months later, but her pain was under control, she got to spend time with her grandkids and

That’s the one!

My friend works at a used record store, and found a copy of one of Prince’s albums in mint condition, with a full sized poster in it and bought it for herself. I kind of want to beat her up and steal it from her.

Yeah, no kidding. Been there, done that. Even have an aunt who was the sheriff and got no assistance.

You are not alone there.

Yes, Kanye, you’re right. You should be a “designer” and crash Fashion Week. Yes, Kanye, it’s a brilliant idea to “cover” Bohemian Rhapsody. Yes, Kanye, picking fights with the father of your ex-girlfriend’s child on Twitter and claiming you own that child is a really good luck.

What a rotten piece of human garbage. Both the writer of the hagiography and Hotzclaw.

Fuck Lexapro. He needs Haloperidol.

He’s a gigantic baby who has always fancied himself to be far more important and talented than he actually is.

My cousin committed suicide this way at the age of 18. It took her a couple of days to actually die- she lingered for a bit. But she was in full-blown liver failure from taking an entire brand new bottle of Tylenol. It’s terrible, terrible stuff to overdose on.

I know! It can’t possibly be better than Costco TP. I watched this documentary on Costco, and they had “experts” that tried out a ton of different toilet papers before they decided on the right type for their Kirkland brand. I can’t imagine $250 TP could be any better than Kirkland’s TP.

That’s gorgeous! I love vintage jewelry. I’m set to get my great Aunt Lulu’s wedding ring, which is from the 1920s, and this is something I feel kind of wonky about but, I have my great great Aunt Francis’ cameo from the early 1900s and it’s made of ivory. It’s a beautiful piece, but, ivory.

That’s what I love about it too. I mean, there are beautiful rings out there that you can just buy, but Cindymoo was involved in picking out the stones, the way they were cut, and the setting. It makes it extra special to me.

I didn’t know any of that, so thanks for teaching me something new about my favorite gemstone today. :-)

Wow, that’s amazing. That’s how Aunt Stephanie was too- she never talked about her work. It wasn’t until her files were declassified and friends of hers made an FOIA request in an attempt to get her this certain honor (Medal of Valor, I think?) that we found out everything about her. She rarely carried a gun, because

It was dreadful. I couldn’t make it through the whole thing. He should have written in his will who can do a tribute for him if one must be done, or made it a stipulation that no one is allowed to cover his stuff from here on out. Gone all scorched earth Gail Zappa with it all.

As a huge Bowie fan, I found it terrible. I’m nauseous already, and this didn’t help matters one iota. I got through three songs and had to turn it off. I can’t imagine how badly she destroyed Heroes, but I’m glad she didn’t try to delve into any Bowie deep cuts.

Some people ask if they’re “promise rings” which always makes me laugh. Yeah, promising that we’re going to stay together until we’re good and dead.

Star sapphire is one of my FAVORITES EVER. My mom’s engagement ring from her fiance` that died in a motorcycle accident was a star sapphire.