Dr. Mabuse

Gotcha. Have you ever tried ordering it online, like from Amazon? You can get a little over a pound for $8, and it doesn’t need to be put in the fridge until you open it.

Very true. That’s why I only drink Canadian Club whisky- it’s clean and doesn’t make me sick or hungover. Bourbon, Scotch, all of that stuff is just nie dobry (not good) for me.

That’s awesome! I’m so happy that you’ve been able to somewhat bounce back after such a traumatic event. I hope that everything goes smoothly for you from here on out.

Same here, I haven’t been this psyched since Rush. And I think I will make Cindymoo a bigger MG fan. She likes some of their stuff, but is kind of “take it or leave it” with them. She was the same way with Rush, but then I dragged her to one of their concerts and now she’s a die-hard Rush fan. I bet that seeing John

I’m about to start donating to them regularly too. I was donating to the sloth rescue/rehab in Costa Rica, but if I can donate specifically to protect their habitat, I will definitely do so. And Zoe is adorable there- why do the pretty ones always fall in with the wrong crowd? First it’s sneaking a milk bone, then

That I have heard. I am planning on taking more classes, but none that will be this fun, I’m afraid.

Not a dog person, but I so want to smoosh his face right now. His ears look so soft!

There’s more to life than being in a relationship. I know, I know, I’m saying this from the point of view of someone who is married. But other than the sex, which you can get from a friends with benefits situation, what else is there? Companionship is nice, but it can get annoying at times, and you can find

You don’t *gasp* use tahini? Are you mad?

Thanks! I’m not a big decorator, other than constantly swapping out flowers in my house to give the place some color, and occasionally putting up a tree for the holidays if I feel like it. Or decorating a pumpkin for Halloween. One of these days I want to get a giant fake lighted palm tree and decorate that for

Sounds awesome! Whisky and Dr. Pepper go so well together. I normally don’t like whisky anything but straight, but it’s magical with Dr. Pepper.

Yeah, but thus is my life for now. Beekeeping sounds cool. Deadly for me, but very cool. And that’s awesome what you’re doing tomorrow.

You should try it! It’s so worth it.

Now all you need is a kitty or a Burgess of your very own to snuggle with and you’ll be set!

That sounds like a perfectly legit pairing to me. That root beer is awesome.

The Mountain Goats are amazing. I am so stoked I get to see them live in two months. I haven’t been this excited for a concert since Rush.

Yay, you’re out of your brother’s! It still sucks about the fire, but at least you’re moving forward.

No problem! It’s what I’m here for- to be your virtual bartender and provide you with some awesome tunes.

Well of course! Only the best for my hummus. I juiced that lemon and even minced the garlic prior to putting it in the food processor. I’ve got some quality hummus there.

I love cold coffee too. Especially Thai cold coffee. That stuff is too good.