

he’s too pretty to be Jay Sherman.

I do think it’s a goddamn travesty that we won’t be getting a Kill Beatrice movie. It was so perfectly set up.

Man, do I miss the days of revival theaters. There were a ton in California when I lived there - two or three movies each night, changing every day or so. So fun to watch, with a youngish audience, a bunch of Marx Brothers or WC Fields movies. I mean you missed a lot of lines because of the laughing, but it was such a

It helps that it’s very clear that the racists are the butts of the jokes and are idiots, and that Richard Pryor was involved in writing the movie. That doesn’t make the n-word any less jarring when it’s used. I think the part that aged the worst are the gay dancers from the movie studio scene that leans too much into

I feel like people forget (or were just too young to experience) how pretty much all of the best episodes of the X-Files were the standalone episodes. Home. Squeeze & Tooms. Ice. Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose. Jose Chung’s From Outer Space. The Post-Modern Prometheus. Bad Blood.

Looks like I will be part of the very few that agree with you. I have been saying this for months, and louder since the passing of tv god Normal Lear.

I wonder if it’s because that length doesn’t give you time to relax/breathe so each of those episodes takes up a bunch of emotional bandwidth. Everything is important in seasons that short. Well, for the most part, I think Strange New Worlds does a good job of maintaining a mostly episodic feel in short seasons.

Problem with framing Manhattan is that the attack was meant to be from an otherworldly alien that galvanizes folks to get past our petty partisan differences and pursue peace amongst the threat. By making it Manhattan, folks would just blame the US.

Aqua Man, Aqua Man.

Also almost works sung to the tune of “Spider-Man”.

Here’s how I feel about Synder: I don’t want to see his Justice League/Darkseid movie where Superman takes over the planet, but I do want to read a detailed synopsis of it. There, glad I worked it out.

So you want money because they stole your likeness, the likeness you stole from a movie.... >.>

I was thinking that the best possible outcome is that some other studio releases it and it makes something like $150M domestic, and then HBO’s board of directors get stern looks on their faces and call an emergency meeting.

I went to McDonald’s and the flurry machine was done. I felt cancelled.

We already had a word for that long ago. It’s schadenfreude. There’s no need to believe in cancel culture when we have words for these things. Consequences. Schadenfreude. Boycotts. Political correctness. All the stuff people think of when you use the words “cancel culture”. It’s just a boogeyman buzzword for assholes

She declares, “Make no mistake—my career was taken away from me.”

How is it even possible to victimize yourself when you have this much money?

That’s so mean, but made me laugh my ass off. “Gerry sadly passed undergoing an emergency chin reconstruction. Thoughts and prayers from the producers of The Golden Bachelor, which will begin filming its next season week after next!

Considering where Furiosa is at at the beginning of Fury Road, I can’t imagine this movie will have an uplifting ending.