
The man who literally stated he wants to be dictator for one day’ gets treated EXACTLY like a dictator, and now we have to act like this event isn’t exactly how dictators get treated and deposed.

The same people who say “get over it” when classrooms full of children are slaughtered are now combing through social media posts to make sure everyone thinks this specific instance of gun violence is the one we need to burn the Constitution over.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

A post-scandal clip of CK drifted by as I was scrolling comedy videos the other day, and it opened with a really good joke:

“Here’s some advice only I can give: If you ask someone if you can jerk off in front of them, and they say yes, ask them, ‘ARE YOU SURE?’

And then, still don’t do it! Just don’t do it. Obviously.

The worst part is probably his terrible actions.

See, now this really does feel like the AV Club of yore. An article where the writer has clearly had to suffer, significantly, for many many hours, in order to put together a retrospective that’s so much more insightful than the relative crap it’s covering deserves that the contrast is staggering.

Holy shit, My Year of Flops and now Run the Series?  What’s next, an entry in History of Violence?

This is the stupidest non story of the year. Jetlagged guy with a stutter acts like jetlagged guy with a stutter during a debate with a 34-count convicted felon serial sexual predator who has declared he intends to be a dictator and replace all remaining government officials with his hand-picked cronies, and this

My Year of Flops with Rabin??  Did I fall through a time portal???

Idiots: Madame Web is a bad movie.

Rabin’s back? Rabin’s back! Nobody mention jellybeans—we don’t want to scare him away!

My world of flops was probably THE series that I most missed. Very pleased to have it back and, yeah, Madame Web seems the perfect relaunch. 

It’s Rabin! Now bring back Sean O’Neil, Tasha Robinson, and Zodiac Motherfucker!

Good god! They really are reviving the old A.V. Club, aren’t they? What’s next? A takedown review by Ignatiy? The long-prophesied return of Snarkmaster General Sean O’Neal himself?!

They’ve been doing better lately.

On the other hand, this is what appears to be a thoughtful news piece on the 2024 AV Club. How did that happen?

He’s already such a mythologized figure. There’s value in portrayals that he can’t influence.

Well Woody Guthrie wrote a song about how much he sucked, so he wasn't nobody.  But he definitely fell between the cracks between then and now.

On the other hand, after Dungeons & Dragons, I prefer him over Chris Pratt in the charismatic goofball role.

Are there any left who aren’t actively coming for gay rights, reproductive freedoms, and honest recitations of American history?