
It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.

I’ll applaud any time Congress gets off its collective ass to do anything that isn’t blatantly self-serving and/or detrimental to the country as a whole, so let’s just call this one a win.

The cries about having to watch too many things first are overblown. The movie explains who everyone is and why they’re there.

Really curious. All episodes at once. “Ground-level” focus. TV-MA.

Yeah, there’s a real appeal to the simple promise of the superhero movies of an earlier generation. The pitch to the audience for Spider-Man 2 was basically, “Hey, you like Spider-Man and you like Doctor Octopus. Give us money and see them fight.”

He can taste crime!

Even though it seems relevant in the trailer? Seriously, what on Earth is Marvel talking about here?

To me, it seems like nothing’s really changed. It’s just that they used to think that the “Everything is connected!!!” marketing gimmick would bring people in. But now, after years of a growing backlog of variably entertaining shows and movies, that same slogan keeps people away instead of drawing them in.

New Show to Be Just Like that Other Daredevil Show You All Liked, says Marvel guy

I still think the “transphobic” joke was actually a pretty good deconstruction of transphobia in comedy. It went something like this: “I ran out of ideas, so I started making hack transphobic jokes instead. Nobody laughed.”

It was fascinating watching the transition from “season 1" to “season 2", before the twitch ban and after. The Seinfeld aesthetic did so much heavy lifting towards making the soulless jokes and shoddy bugginess of the program seem funny. Seinfeld’s humor is already a bit lame, so whatever the next step up from knock

The scene doesn’t exist to make Booth look badass, the scene exists to underline why he’s on Rick Dalton’s roof fixing his TV antenna and not working on a movie set.

The film also shows Sharon Tate gleefully practicing martial arts with Bruce (which she actually did, in reality) during one of the pure joy moments in the story, the montage as she’s watching her own performance. So we get memories of Bruce from two of the three main characters. The one where Bruce comes off as cocky

Again with this? It’s Cliff Booths daydream. Yea Quentin wrote it but it’s fiction. 

BRING BACK MARIO 35, YOU COWARDS!!!  Or at least make an SMB3 version.

“People only oppose infant genital mutilation because they’re anti-semites” is the most insane take I might have ever heard.

You’re making a lot of assumptions about people you’ve never met. Plenty of adult men wish they could know about what their own penis could’ve been like if their parents made a different decision. It’s also obvious that you have zero gay male friends. Not *everyone* is a bigot, but you might be.

Yep. It’s literal mutilation. And while there’s tons of religious and cultural baggage attached the practice, the reasons behind circumcision’s continued popularity in the (predominantly white, Christian) U.S. are extremely stupid. Namely: “150 years ago sex-obsessed cereal magnates thought it might discourage jerking

I came so close to picking it up. So glad I held off.