
This song sucks lol. Also the guy claims he's not left- or right- wing, so you know he's the most right wing guy you've ever met.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a stark expression of working-class false consciousness as this song and the cultural phenomenon around it. Think about how odd it would seem to people of modest means in any other country—or in this country before 1980—for a populist protest song with a title explicitly calling out

Yo, not cool to use Autism in a derogatory sense. Also you’re kinda perpetuating the incorrect view that Autistics are introverted. That’s not the case. It’s a spectrum.

“You’re insulting them and embarrassing me!”

The phrase ‘in a galaxy far, far away’ makes you assume that the planet Earth is somewhere out there, right? Hyuang quoting that in the intro got me halfway expecting that they were going to pull some Battlestar Galactica BS and the big ring was going to emerge from hyperspace in our solar system. I was very relieved

You know, Sabine was pretty rude for not accepting that piece of fruit (?) from one of those little Noti people. They just welcomed you to their village and helped you find your friend. You don’t have to eat it but at least show some common courtesy. Because of that, knocking the episode grade down from a B to a D.

Remember when people complained that the old Star Wars EU had gotten too crazy and didn’t make any logical sense anymore?

OANlyFans maybe. 

Gotta verify that the silicone PSI is still correct.

I’m a little confused. When Drumpf was elected to the Presidential office, we had a Democrat accused of sexual misconduct (Al Franken, after allegations of unwanted touching), but the Republicans (one gives a handjob, smokes a vape, and takes flash photography, and another shows porn on the floor of Congress) get to

Same for Chapelle here. For a guy who quit his show because his jokes were entertaining racist instead of shaming them, I don’t understand how he can’t understand how his takes on lgbt culture are the same fucking thing.

I mean she seems to very specifically be focusing on the entertainment industry.

“He’s the only one who did that, and it seems like he got punished the most for it... He apologized and wants to make things better, and instead people were like, ‘No, you can’t. There’s no way for you to make things better unless you do this and this.’ But nobody said what ‘this and this’ was. Nobody said what he

Ultimately, the fact that the entertainment industry is a mostly-rigged lottery system is why, when anybody behaves badly, the remedy that makes sense to their most vociferous detractors is “GO AWAY FOREVER.” No matter how hard they worked or how talented they are, there is a lingering sense — and not an illegitimate

How is Chapelle “disgraced”? He’s still doing stand up and can verbally destroy anyone who comes at him (he more than held his own against Hannah Gadsby) , got a bloody Mark Twain award and I believe is on tour with Jon Stewart. I mean, Michael Richards is disgraced (rightfully) who has seen him in years.

Chappelle gleefully ignores the fact that the majority of trans women murdered in this rat-fucked country are Black. He and whoever this idiot is doesn’t give a single fuck about Black folks. He doesn’t need us ‘cause he barks on command/cash for white audiences. 

the issue with ck isn’t whether or not he apologized, the issue is: doing it in the first place.

Maybe they have to steal some Coaxium from Kessel or something like that.

It’s silly, but as a native Washingtonian I’m a little annoyed the revival won’t still be set in Seattle. Not the Frasier particularly got Seattle—true Seattleites would dress down between work and attending the opera—but it was nice to have some representation.

it also just occurred to me that the college professor conceit means that half of these episodes are going to be about cancel culture.