
Note that “Steve” never said what side he was on in those civil rights protests.

If I argue that institutional racism has been effectively outlawed and eliminated, that makes me a racist?

If I argue that institutional racism has been effectively outlawed and eliminated, that makes me a racist?

“This.... this is clickbait”

There are plenty of dancers of south asian descent around LA. The problem is that not being able to fly out the OG dancers on what appears to be unusually short notice (which is also super-suspect), they apparently didn’t even fucking try. They could also have found plenty of south asian dancers that in India itself.

i don’t really have a take on this but i think it’s pretty interesting that all the replies are like “we fixed enough racism this year! stop whining and wait your turn!” like we awarded some asians with an award and now everyone should shut the fuck up forever. start with yourself

Do you folks get tired of thinking people are fooled by randomly picking one out of the three canned responses you have for everything, or is this another of those “making a joke” things where you type through your tears and then say you made a joke?

Oh god, are these both going to be Rebel Galaxy spin-offs now?

Only one Punk Frog?

If you weren’t just trolling, you’d stop using the aclu reference, as it doesn’t make your point, and shows how disingenuous your entire argument actually is.

In what way are “leftist protestors” agents of the state in this case?

To quote a tweet that I saw the other day: "Ten years ago, Harry Potter fans had a lightning bolt tattoo. Now they have two."

This conversation reminds me a lot of Richard Dawkins refusing to debate proponents of creationism or intelligent design. His argument was/is his participation in such an interaction is endorsement that his opponents have a cogent point to argue. Does Milo Yiannopolous have a point to make? No. He’s trying to build

There is a marketplace of ideas, and “we don’t want Milo to speak at our campus” is one of those ideas.

Yeah, except that method has been tried and it doesn’t work. All it does is give these people more supporters.

TIL it’s censorship to write about a person and quote their statements.

You can disagree with the methods that some students have chosen to protest, but to call a group of individuals with no real power joining together collectively to make their voices heard and enact change “authoritarian” really makes it seem like you have no idea what that word actually means. The students are not the

Except, the speaker was invited by the school, not the students attending it who ultimately chased him away. That’s not censorship. That’s a group of people making their voice heard.

If a speaker is invited to a public university, their speech is protected by the First Amendment. To deplatform them—no matter *who* they are—is censorship.

We should have let Voldemort speak at Hogwarts! Why did we deplatform the Death Eaters?!