
So I read a bunch of the comments and articles about this looked terrible and “like it was shot on someone’s high end phone with all the settings on ‘auto’” but I hadn’t watched the trailer yet.

I’m not familiar with the comics, but I care far less about her look than I do the excitement of seeing Jamil chew up the scenery as a villain.

Spider-men? Spiders-man?

Didn’t love the pacing or structure of this show, but there were enough great moments scattered throughout it to at least justify the exercise. Glad we finally got a scene of Anakin in a half-mask.

The show was long finished shooting before it started airing.  And having a bunch of nerds complain that a live action person doesn’t fully resemble a cartoon isn’t the kind of argument anyone should ever take seriously anyway.

Another case of looking at what sells/sold well and ripping it off instead of understanding what YOUR customers and fans of the product actually want.

Maybe they should have just let Lord and Miller finish what they started. It probably would have made at least around the same amount of money but not resulted in them having to spend an extra $100 million or so and hence pushing the production into what might have been a loss (previously unheard of for a Star Wars

The fact that Bugs Bunny did not say “Of course you realize, this means war” after getting punched in the face by Shaggy is a major oversight.

Coming from a country with strong gun control (Australia), I have to disagree with some of this. The “criminals will get guns whether they’re illegal or not” argument may be true, but strong gun control reduces the availability of guns, the culture of acceptability around guns, and the immediate response of the

What a stupid take. Dune Messiah is basically the whole point of what’s happening in Dune

The thing about Dune Messiah is that you kind of need it to understand the point. Paul isn’t a “hero”. Like all supposed “great men” of history like Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon, he is responsible for countless deaths. But unlike them he actually comes to realize it and regret it.

And I’d argue that downer is key to Dune (the book; while Dune 1 has made some gestures towards “being space messiah is bad mkay?”, we’re yet to see if Dune 2 will round out that arc); I think the events of Messiah are the themes/subtext of Dune made text.

I just read Messiah this winter and thought it was better than I’d expected; it’d make a great part three to Dune 1 + 2.

I . . . guess?

I’m not a Dr. Strange fan, personally. I’m going 100% for Sam Raimi.

“god forbid a comedian make a cheap insult joke about a guy who just ran onstage with a knife at him. god forbid chapelle didn’t ask the attacker for his preferred gender identity before he made the joke. you people are so lost in this stuff

lol u dum ahnd hav noe fwends

Even though old games, being in a “new engine” means re-doing them again (mostly Sonic 3K, because SCD, 1 and 2 only had to be ported to a newer version of the engine).