
I found part 1 so boring, I’ve only rewatched in like 1 time and to be its just a drag.

JK Rowling’s statements have certainly made me fall out of love with Harry Potter. It’s not a case of actively boycotting it or anything like that, but it’s really just a whole lot less fun once you lose respect for the author. So yes, it is a case of “eh...it exists,” but whereas before her comments I probably would

I’m okay with superheroes. What I’m really sick of is these unholy networks of cross-promotion disguised as mega franchises, nanocalibrated to draw the biggest possible crowd of salivating zombies, service all their different kinks and move Disney ever closer to being the face of singularity.

I’d be okay if they just did separate Superman and Batman series (and none of the other dumb characters) and never had them meet

I suspect that you’re not arguing in good faith, but just in case you’re really this clueless, there are people in the world who consider themselves nonbinary, neither male nor female. They’re included in the wider trans umbrella and many of them prefer to use nongendered pronouns like they/them. Ezra Miller is one of

Do your parents know that you are using their computer?

Oh good, just what the AV Club comment section needs!  More pedantic whiners.

Shut up, dork 

I suspect as its use becomes more common, people will get used to it and it will soon be no harder to read than an article full of he/him/she/her.

It’s not confusing at all. You clearly understand that they’re using “they” to describe themself. Stop trolling. Learn. Grow. Be better. Don’t be the crappy human you currently seem to be. 

OK Grandpa, come get the one remaining grandkid that talks to you to come switch off the computer, that’s enough for today.

We respectfully disagree.

Personally, between neopronouns and just a neutral they/them, I prefer they/them for myself as it better suits who I am but one thing that comes up a lot in these discussions is whew, yeesh, if you think it’s bad enough getting people onboard with neutral pronouns (see: comment section otherwise), it’s a REALLY rough

out of all the shit you could criticize and this is what you go after? what’s wrong with you... how is that possibly what you took away here outside of colossally overbearing transphobia, sexism, homophobia, and a deep misunderstanding of history and language? They fucking strangled someone and you’re mad about

Where is the teacher? They are in the other classroom.

They’ can be a singular pronoun. It’s been that way long before any of us were alive and will outlive us all.

Or alternately you could find a nice quiet space to fuck yourself.

You tedious little shit.

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Oh fuck right off.

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.