
Leave it to Amazon to produce a show where the union-busting Pinkertons are the good guys.

Finn didn’t join the Resistance when he escaped with Poe, in fact, he was ready to sign on with some random bounty hunters as Maz’s cantina until the Empire blew the cantina up, and even then he didn’t “join the resistance” they were just the only way off that planet, and he spends the rest of the movie trying to save

Fine ended TFA in a coma with a lightsaber slice down his spine, and he begins TLJ emerging from a bacta tank looking for Rey. When he wakes up the last thing he remembers is being on Starkiller Base. As far as he’s concerned at the beginning of this movie he hasn’t joined up with anything.

Something that’s been bothering me all season is that I am so distracted by Hunter’s face tattoo; like, that shit must have hurt like hell. This is more than just a crosshair on the eye, or a Mike Tyson swirl, or “Damaged”; he blacked out like a third of his face including his entire eye lid (but not a line right

What are the odds for Marvel using this to re-introduce Fantastic Four and possibly even the X-Men via the Multiverse (and in FF case the Richards connection to Kang), could see one or both showing up in a stinger for Ant-Man or Dr. Strange.

This episode had no heart! No, really, where was my favorite planeteer, the kid who’s ring controls “heart”? He had a monkey!

I really hope they aren’t setting up Omega to be Captain Phasma because that would be a lame end for a good character.

I was amazed this wasn’t for Switch because the touchscreen controls seem perfect for this type of game.

This game is so freaking good, I was really hoping they would announce a sequel for the 30th anniversary, but no such luck. 

My dude, there is a burger place in Portland called Killer Burger and they make a Peanut Butter Pickle Bacon Burger and bruh it is to die for

You can’t break those cuffs..

I stumbled upon this guy on reddit live stream while he was attempting this record. As he was doing it there was an “earthquake machine” that viewers could to activate, while other viewers tried to defend. I never quite understood how that worked, but it did add tension to the proceedings. As he neared the finish line

Hey, some of us need bitcoin to pay off the hackers that used my webcam to record me um... enjoying myself to erm.... saucy videos, otherwise they’ll release the video to everyone on my contacts list!

Mickey is the new frontman for the Flaming Lips. 

what if I want to see a ratted-up purple-haired Cinderella?”

This is all well and good, but if they don’t release the “human teeth” nightmare-fuel versions of Tails and Knux then how will I have an appropriate baseline upon which to judge this movie?

Have you read Ready Player Two? Maybe don’t.

Hey, I wasn’t necessarily excited about the LeBron James of it all, but I’ll take any opportunity for new Looney Tunes, especially after Looney Tunes Cartoons on HBO Max have been so good, but this looks bad. 

Wow, you were really close. This comment: 2008, Twin Peaks: The Return 2017. You were only off by one year!