
therefore jake > ezra


Normally, I would love to see this, but like, most adults won’t even be eligible for the vaccine until May 1st. So this will be in theaters for one week starting April 30th. Even if you manage to snag one of those early appointments, depending on the vaccine you get some people still won’t be fully vaccinated until

To everyone in this thread that is like “but is an Antebellum South party, like, really racist, though? Like, really really?” I have just one question for you:

I really want to see how these hulk pages pan out, what issues would I be looking for.

Ok, I have ZERO interest in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, but I have LOTS of interest in the weird and wonderful world of Mother Boxes and Boom Tubes and New Gods and Granny Goodness, etc. from watching the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons, and then the Harley Quinn cartoon (which is fucking

thank you

If I had to guess why no Droids, it’s because Disney has that new droids show they just announced in their big investor day announcement. They’ll probably release the OG Droids cartoon closer to the premiere of the new show

This movie rules. It’s got Patrick Stewart rocking a skullet, screaming and firing a machine gun while holding a pug. Here’sthe thing: it’s long as hell but you *have* to watch the directors cut. The theatrical cut is so chopped to shit that it literally makes no god damn sense at all, it’s like a fever dream. The

The best video store in the world is in Portland, Oregon and it’s called Movie Madness. They’ve got anything you could ever want, plus a ton of memorabilia and a screening room where they do classes. It rules.

Yah this is pretty disappointing. To be fair, I was a big fan of the previous Maggie Simpson theatrical short, but I’m also a big fan of the Pixar shorts, and after the Frozen short with Coco and then no short at all before Toy Story 4, and now this it feels like the golden age of Pixar might be well and truly over,

I’m pretty sure there’s an alien at the bar on Kimiji that has big swingin’ tiddies for eyes.

If Death Star II exploded above the forest moon of Endor, and what we see of it in the trailer is on this ocean planet, is that Endor proper, or another moon of Endor, or did they some how pilot the remains to Kamino or Mon Calamari or some other ocean world before it hit the dust?

Huh it's been so long since I've seen the Holiday Special, I didn't even realize that the Mando has the same rifle as Boba Fett

Same, but Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Hold isn’t assuming unearned respect, in fact, Poe is in awe of her when first introduced and turns to another pilot to be like “wait, THE admiral Holdo, the one who did such and such a thing? She’s not what I expected...”

Honestly the most annoying thing about this to me is they got the shoes wrong. I don't care that they're trainers instead of pointy socks but why is there no white stripe? Sonic wears literally 1 article of clothing and they still manage to fuck it up.

No all my theories about lost will be lost!

Thanks 🐕 I gotcho back 🏠ie

I have an AVC account from the old days, not a Disqus account, how does this affect me?