
This is news? My local McDonald's has been doing this FOR YEARS with a walk up window next to the drive thru window and it's always infested with scary bums

Me too, I was expecting Pinot Noir the Rock Opera

Ok I'll say it: I liked Chappie, at least as much as I liked District 9. I skipped Elysium. But yeah, I liked Chappie. Even my girlfriend kinda liked it, which is no small feat. She told me, and I quote, "awww I want a robot baby" and even almost cried at times.

Was Cyril even in this episode? Guess I gotta watch it again

Archer still has the Seamus tattoo, so he can't be completely forgotten. I figure both Archer and Trinette were happy to let Trinette handle it.

Pretty sure you can still watch them all on Hulu. Lucas Bros and Golan the Insatiable are both worth checking out

The Slap is a drama? Because that sounds like a rock solid comedy premise

Great news or greatest news?

Totally thought from the picture (and I just wandered in here) that the Tony Stark twist was that now he's gay. It just made sense, black Cap, female Thor, gay Iron Man. the Trifecta.

So we're two episodes into the new season, should I just assume that AVC has dropped coverage?

I saw these guys when they played in SF, and while it was goofy and kind fun, the set was ridiculously short and I defintely did not feel like I got my moneys worth, especially after I arrived too late for free pizza and the drinks were way overpriced (i had been to other shows at the same venue and paid WAY less for


So how is Bob's Burgers doing in the ratings since its move to 7pm? My friends and I have speculated that since Bob's is the highest quality animated offering on Sunday nights Fox decided to sandwich its lesser shows between Bob's and Cosmos in an attempt to actually get people to tune in, because if Bob's had the

The appeal of that show is smoking weed, and then watching that show while you smoke weed

And just like that trailers became trailers again

I watched the show on Instagram over the weekend because I just couldn't wait, and I really like the way that scrolling through the 15 second clips kind of mimicked the channel surfing that Rick and Morty were doing in the episode. It especially worked because a lot of the weird alternate reality TV works really well

Not gonna lie, I don't care for Miley Cyrus music but I would smoke a solid gold joint and watch her pretend to suck off Bill Clinton.

That's Gail the Snail right? Why is Jack Bauer not throwing salt at her?

I'm surprised it wasn't pointed out but this is another episode in the list of Bob's Burger's Speilberg parodies. The plot is pretty much the same as Spielberg's first film Duel. I can't wait till these guys find a way to do Jurassic Park