Dr. Boots' List

This is a pretty reductive review of The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

Colour me sceptical at the idea of Disney doing any examination of class that isn’t some hot peasant girl fucking her way into princesshood.

He also wrote Angel of the Morning, but that’s not as fun.

And “Deer Lady” to  me was the best TV episode of the year 

Gone to soon.

Sad. Heard the interview with his wife on the Take It Away solo Beatles podcast and wondered if this was coming. They do a pretty deep dive into his work with Wings and otherwise that’s worth hearing for those who are interested. RIP.

The Godzilla show is pretty good... but, same

Came here to champion Scavengers Reign as well. It really is a mind altering take on alien life. Creeped me out more than any big budget live action sci-fi movie/show has done since I was a kid.

Good list. Abbot Elementary scared me at first because the Principal is so identical to my current Principal that I stopped watching and had to go back later.

While I generally champion animation in any context, I do believe Scavengers Reign deserved a spot on here, as it’s one of the most interesting and strangest sci-fi stories I’ve ever seen, with the most believable (and truly alien) alien planet ever rendered. I’m glad Scott Pilgrim made it on here at least, but I do

I’d gladly go see a movie that’s just Wonka constructing the boat ride and mumbling “Goddamn fucking kids are gonna goddamn learn...” every few minutes. 

That show is batshit crazy.  It is awesome.

I don’t like the story but this looks ok. It’s nice to here a Yank sound like  Yank in London.

I would’ve unconflicted the schedule and paid Lynch to be on that show. I’d feign an interest in TM and babble some nonsense about diving deep.

When you right you right. And you right.

I really like La La Land. Stone’s performance was good, but I can’t imagine it having been too challenging from a nuanced-acting perspective; her natural charisma was the key. But I kinda hated Portman’s Jackie, and would have been bummed had she won. Amy Adams should have gotten it for Arrival.

“...with enemies hot on his tale.”

Can we please reassess the reassessment of the prequels? They may have isolated good points but are not good movies and never were. It doesn’t matter what else has come out to which we can favorably compare them. I say this as someone who oddly enjoys them. Natalie Portman is a greatest-in-generation level actor and

I guess it’s not fair to expect 2023 AVC writers to be familiar with all the content that came before them, but this site’s own Nathan Rabin introduced Manic Pixie Dream Girl to describe Kirsten Dunst’s character in his My Year of Flops review of Elizabethtown. Garden State someone deconstructed that archetype by

“...with enemies hot on his tale.”