This is the first time the show truly made me audibly gasp. I couldn’t stop thinking about this scene, it is so stuck in my brain.
This is the first time the show truly made me audibly gasp. I couldn’t stop thinking about this scene, it is so stuck in my brain.
Asher/Nathan. It fits and it works.
Mr. Betancourt called it “physical therapy,” which is extremely incorrect. What we saw is chiropractics, which can be extremely dangerous. Pulling on someone’s neck, right where the brain stem is located, can cause serious harm. And having Whitney visit a chiropractor instead of a mainstream medical practice like PT…
I really enjoyed this episode on so many levels. Disclaimer, I’m not a film studies, or English major but I saw so many things that I thought HAD to have connections, or at least gesturing toward something meaningful.
The extra unneeded “l” makes it kind of awkward to say.
The name of the show is Fliplanthropy
the show is deliberately ambiguous about this; that’s why it’s good
did we just witness the world’s most discomfiting physical-therapy session in the history of American television?
That kinda gets defanged in the scene where he mentions that. He mentions that it’s culturally iffy for him, but primarily his opposition to Asher talking to her about it is that he just got his daughter to stop going on and on about it and he doesn’t want it to start again. The joke is that Asher doesn’t hear that at…
He was moving with his eyes too much. It also could’ve turned him into a quadriplegic.
there’s a surreal vibe definitely; and then there’s a supernatural ambiguity; reinforced by the father who doesn’t want to hear about curses; and the little girl saying “I’m sorry”
I really thought it was soap
Unless they’ve changed it since you posted, I wouldn’t call anything in the headline a spoiler.
Will Abshir be a new man? Or is he grievously injured now.
No, I’m pretty sure that’s a woman he works with.
did we just witness the world’s most discomfiting physical-therapy session in the history of American television? Abshir would very much say: Yes, absolutely.
First look at Flipanthropy just dropped.
The talk about the paint drying fast was surely an allusion to the old line about something being as exciting as watching paint dry.
I love how the power cutting out in the fire station doubled as both a plot point to keep Asher from seeing if Dougie handed the PA raw chicken and an amusing nod to the downside of the station switching to solar power.