Dr. Boots' List

The Tesseract was affecting everyone it came into contact with in Avengers, which is why there was so much bickering on the helicarrier and why Loki is so much more of a dick than usual.  Once they took the Tesseract from him he mellowed a tad.  Thats my take anyway.

Yeah, I liked the season overall but the stuff with the current-day women joining up with Lottie... it just made no sense? That episode was good though, and obviously the reason it’s included is because of that scene, and they fuckin’ nailed it. Really captured how revolting it was, but also the relief they felt in

I appreciate the inclusion of “Edible Complex.”  TV is a series of episodes, and that episode definitely showed there can be greatness, even if a show that generally didn’t seem to know what it was doing in Season 2.

Deer Lady was astounding. I love how there is still some mystery to what is happening at the boarding school, since we are seeing it mostly through the eyes of young Deer Lady, but the general outlines of the inhuman abuse are clear even if you don’t want to believe it. I love that Deer Lady is the mystical avenging

Wow that Caroline Polachek album seems like it has been high up or the top of every top album list I have seen. Not totally my type of music but it is still super impressive.

Nice call on “Deer Lady”. Loved the episode (and her previous appearances) but it wasn’t till her starring turn that I decided to figure out where I’d seen the actress (Kaniehtiio Horn) before. She’s Tanis from Letterkenny!

While both Deer Lady and Forks were phenomenal episodes, I would have likely chosen Elora’s Dad and Fishes as the better episodes imo

I don’t know about everyone else, but it’s hard for me to take the trailer seriously when we’re already seeing what another civil war looks like, and it doesn’t look like that. It’s a premise that sounds completely believable on paper, and then you actually watch the video and go, “Oh, so it’s like World War Z but

if only to answer the question of in what alternate universe would California and Texas ever be teaming up?

Studio Exec: “So this militia guy with the red sunglasses. We want to cast someone who somehow combines that everyday Joe vibe with the sense of a guy who might rip your throat out with his teeth at any moment.”

So it’s a prequel/sequel (?) for DMZ (comics & miniseries).

Brits created Veep and Succession. They may know our culture better than we do. 

Huh, looks like Sonoya Mizuno still gets a part, but not the leading role this time.

bUt 0uR cOuNtRy Is D1FfErEnT!!!?!”

I thought that was Adam McKay or Aaron Sorkin?

A documentary is a rare departure for Alex Garland, a director known for dystopian sci-fi film.

Americans are FAR to lazy for a mass uprising.  The biggest coup attempt of the last 200 years was basically just incels acting like they rushed the field at a college football game.

It only makes sense Evil Ron Swanson has no mustache.

I guess I don’t understand what y’all are seeing, because this made me sick to my stomach at how believable it is. By this time next year, we’ll either be in the midst of an armed uprising, or preparing to inaugurate America’s first real autocrat. I know it’s comforting to pretend otherwise, but it was also comforting

So, this is quite a list - I mean off my head, snubs that are obvious: