Everyone knows that the only way to fight a Xenomorph... is an Animorph.
Everyone knows that the only way to fight a Xenomorph... is an Animorph.
And without a Gwarning you rocked my heart
“These aliens say they’ve come from another galaxy... to rock you! But can they play ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None the Richer when their enormous erections keep destroying their guitars? Cosmic cover-song catastrophe cocks, next! on Sick Sad World.”
I was about halfway through ROTK before I could reliably remember which of those two hobbits was which. So it might be a me problem.
Such great news. Congrats Danette, and I’m excited to hear these all. Finally GWAR will cover Til Tuesday, just as the ancient scriptures foretold.
Already been done
My bad, I couldn’t remember which was which and so I used the name the recapper did. I swear to god I will never be able to keep the two of their names straight.
Rhaena has been pretty awesome lately, which makes me really afraid they’re about to kill her off. I don’t feel like I really trust this show not to be completely transparent with its foreshadowing, so hearing her talk about how she wants her death to be in dragonfire was not comforting.
Ser Rat-Catching Terrier was sent to live at a nice farm upstate
Everybody hold up now. We’re not allowed to make any rash decisions as a nation before Tom Hanks weighs in.
See, now this really does feel like the AV Club of yore. An article where the writer has clearly had to suffer, significantly, for many many hours, in order to put together a retrospective that’s so much more insightful than the relative crap it’s covering deserves that the contrast is staggering.
Yeah, that’s true. And I heard he might have gotten hurt when his dragon crashed too.
television as ephemeral as light snow on a spring morning.
are all shows not fake shows?
No, you don’t understand, she’s the good guy. She didn’t murder people out of sadism, she just murdered them because she didn’t notice or care that they were there.
The oft-ignored Sweetums Tully
Why does Vhagar, the largest dragon, not simply eat the other dragons?
I’m gonna miss Rhaenys more than I would have missed Aegon, that’s for sure.
Sunfyre seems like a sweetie