Dr. Boots' List

It was a nice touch that they had Emily Haines sing for Envy in the animated series (since in the movie, Brie Larsen covered Metric’s “Black Sheep” as Envy).

I suspect they didn’t do it because belaboring why Tasha lost seemed too mean. She seems like a very sweet person who, anytime something goes less than perfectly, looks like someone shot her dog.  Also, it was her birthday.  Better to just get the elimination over with and get to the hugging.

Like most 4 year olds, they’ll complain that Kubrick had the better vision.

Bullocks. I really wanted Tasha to make it to the final. I'm gutted.

What I got out of a more in depth article is that the contracts on the core cast had run through and there wasn’t enough what have you (ratings, cultural cache, whatever) to justify signing another season or seasons worth.

This is so annoying. I loved this show and was eagerly awaiting Season 4, which was supposed to be out in January despite no press coverage or build up at all. It was then inexplicably delayed and I constantly checked for when it would be released until I even forgot about it and eventually saw that it had already

delightfully weird show, this is a shame

I imagine “Not much else out for a 4-year-old” is at the top of every internal Disney Pictures slide deck

The best part of Miracle Workers is watching a bunch of fun actors having a hell of a time with each other.

my take from that paragraph was that this is such missmatch of corporate products that it need really big stretches from the audience to become about something political. its shallow and with nothing to say being the message 

I will miss it! But I’m also okay, s4 was a high note of the series after s1 (actually think it might be the best season, honestly) and it had a good ending. Hell, it was literally called End Times. Pretty perfect.

s3 was a tougher watch, just wasn’t that funny. Western parodies are as formulaic as most westerns,

Alan Tudyk got a paycheck and that’s all that matters.

His people want to fly. They want to be strong. They want to talk to animals. They want to write a song everybody will dance to. They dream of having a family. A more stable community would be hard to imagine, because its wishes are not for sex, power, or anything else that would destabilize a kingdom, or even hurt a

Kudos on an excellently-written review, Ray. I haven’t seen the movie and don’t really plan to, but I’m tickled by the concept that Disney made a movie where it thinks it’s the hero but it’s actually the villain.

I saw the trailer and I knew I recognized the voice from somewhere. It’s Alan Tudyk, but not JUST Alan Tudyk...it’s note for note his Clayface voice from  Harley Quinn.

I wish Disney would make a good movie.

fuck are you talking about

Yeah, it kinda ran its course. I did think End Times was the best one they’ve done since the first season though. It just sucks that Zaslav has basically gutted TBS and TNT. Outside of American Dad, all they show now are sports and reruns.

Show was great, it will be missed