Dr. Boots' List

Mett, Matamorpho.

The character has kinda differed quite a bit in different incarnations.

I can see Hoult doing a good job with the role. But I really hope this movie features some Superman villains that haven’t been done in live-action film before. Parasite, Brainiac, Metallo, Mongul, Mxyzpltk, etc. There are more villains than just Lex and Zod.

Sure, there are those moments when Batman V Superman’s Luthor tricked Senator Holly Hunter into drinking his pee, saying it was “Granny’s Peach Tea.”

Sadly no studio has the balls to make an American remake of Battle Royal and keep it a hard R

Sure. Why not?

It’s about half an hour too long and Zegler has an AWFUL accent, but the tone is distinctly darker than the other films- interesting for a series about child murder. Effie, Haymitch, Ceasar et al, they were at least characters with moments of levity; even Donald Sutherland got a few zingers in over the course of four

what i hear you saying is i’m part of a rich tradition of well-respected satirists

The Scottish Anus Play

Hunger Games the t-shirt

Does it have to go anywhere?  Does every property have to have every ounce of blood squeezed from it?  That’s a stupid question, of course it does.

Yeah sort of gave up halfway through on that one.

It was the damn referee! Wellington was clearly out of bounds and everyone in the stands could see it!

Corsica had only become de jure part of France the year before Napoleon was born. Genoa sold the rights to France because they could not recover Corsica themselves after 14 years of independence. Napoleon’s parents were part of the Corsican resistance. Napoleon himself did not start learning French in school until he

Next they’ll be telling us Abe Lincoln didn’t hunt vampires.

Scott, who of course is British, shrugged off comments like that in typical Ridley Scott-style, arguing that, “the French don’t even like themselves.””

Gladiator was over 20 years ago, and people expect him to get *more* historically accurate with time?

French GQ, for example, apparently called the film “deeply clumsy, unnatural, and unintentionally funny, French newspaper Le Figaro comparing its versions of Napoleon and Josephine to Ken and Barbie, and Napoleon biographer Patrice Gueniffey calling it “very anti-French and very pro-British. Scott, who of course is


“the French don’t even like themselves.”