Dr. Boots' List

I was all set to write the show off when the rising action (the shootout and such) seemed to kill the show’s vibe, but damn if that ending episode didn’t sell me on it all over again. It really was a lovely finish.

And it’s Gyllenhaal.

I question how much writing could have been involved in that film

If I learned anything from Three Men in a Boat, it’s that even the straight-ish men of that time period adored packing huge quantities of food and eating them on or by a river! Or perhaps it’s all a euphemism, who’s to say.

I mean it wasn’t great, but it was fun. I laughed a few times. I wouldn’t say C- is off the mark, even if I’d be a little less harsh than the text of this review. I do find Geraldine Viswanathan delightful in almost everything though.

I reread it to my kid and found it all very charming. I also loved just how queer it can be read. From my own childhood I mostly remembered Toad and the motorcar, when it’s largely a book about two guys who decide to live together and go on elaborate picnics.

You don’t want to fuck with those dudes. Badger’s a straight maniac and Toad did time

It’s definitely race essentialist and kinda uncomfortable to think back on. As best exemplified by this classic piece:

Yes! The masses must be informed via every available televisual medium of the treachery of the weasel and stoat races, as well as their verminous rat allies. Only once these vile beasts are scourged from the land will the forest truly know peace!

They literally talk in the book about being denied the Hajj

and lovemaking

The focus on wacky anxiety manifestations sounds very Tuca + Bertie esque.

I suppose not understanding those kinds of things is why they don’t let me run a network

New owners apparently paid no attention to streaming views or Netflix residuals, because reading is for dweebs

The old Vanilla Sky is just plain vanilla at this point

What about the Warrior Nuns? Are they there too?

Yeah, the only difference being you look like an idiot while you’re using it. Win-win, seems like.

Chris Lowell was very good on GLOW. I thought that was the ideal case for a grown-up Piz.

It tracks that the only happy people in Westeros are the sadists

Everyone’s life goals should probably include doing the opposite of what Daily Mail readers think, so...