Dr. Boots' List

Everything about nu-Sokka makes me cringe, so that's great.

Top. Men.

I’m okay with them taking lots of time to make the next season. Hopefully they can use it to find something compelling to do with the present day storyline.

We don’t know who they are, we just know they have planes. The fighty kind of planes.

Sexy bocce, your moment is nigh

Actually, little known fact, the borders to the Danger Zone are not strictly defined by any international law. It’s really more of a loosely defined de-facto danger area.

I think I must have just mentally aged a decade, because when I saw the headline I was like “Oooh, Mandy Patinkin is in this”

Maybe the season can start with a title card saying “Greg drowned. In between seasons. In an unrelated accident.”

Every rose has its thorns
just like every pile of poop has a middle

I just thought she was preternaturally talented at woodworking! I mean, she made a nail-covered baseball bat no problem.

Ted Lasso was pretty wretched. But I think you'd have a hard time finding anyone who was actively disappointed by Wolf Pack. Seems like that show was pretty clear about what it wanted to be and was.

The very act of putting it in Hebrew basically feels like he’s saying “Dear Elders of Zion, I’m sorry I inadvertently insulted your very nice blood cabal”. I would tell him to eat a dick, but I should probably Google translate it into German first so he'll get the message.

Don’t let the review put you off. This movie is a haunting, imagistic masterpiece about Miyazaki confronting the idea of death and what remains of his nation and world. Don't miss it.

That sounds like a reasonable handling of it.

Watchmen and a MCR video all in the same year? That’s gotta be the nadir of something or other.

I believe that he believes that his work is totally metal, yes.

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.

Is it that he doesn’t understand them, or he doesn’t care?

I wish he had stolen petulant vlogger Kylo instead.

Are you really so confident that Hollywood is going to do a good job adapting a story that potentially contains lots of big space battles and not try to turn it into a big rah-rah fighty Star Wars-aping thing? The potential for a studio or director to ruin it by undercutting the entire premise seems very, very, very