Dr. Boots' List

This was a really great rec. Thanks! It was a delightfully medium-sized mystery to solve. It required a few logical leaps, but it also felt like everything fit together and all the information you needed was there if you kept poking, which is honestly really impressive given the size of the full web of information it

Luckily it doesn't really matter, since TP:TR was a perfect television show.

Godzilla, now starring in Breast Health Awareness Month!

I have a question: TAKE MY MONEY, NOW!?!

Hot-D Part 2: More Hot, Deeper Ds

A Crown of Candy was superior to at least two seasons of Game of Thrones.

It’s actually a very ashy war. Dry and itchy.


Josh’s nan must be spinning in her grave. She didn’t die just for her boy to come in second on Bake-Off!

I usually don’t disagree with the judging, but I do still carry a grudge for Kim-Joy. She was robbed!

“Unassuming Bakes for Footy Lads and Cheerful Chums, by Mattyis gonna go straight to the top of the bestseller list, mark my words

To be unfair, all the vapers I know in real life are douches too.

It was a good episode, although it was a lot of buildup. I’ve generally been a fan of this season so far though, and am looking forward to seeing where it goes. I’m optimistic that we’ll get much better payouts to the threads that it’s drawn so far than the troubled season 4 did.

Were you hoping for more than a cliffhanger after all of the wailing and premonitions and goat blood? Well Fargo fuck yourself.

Jeez, the way she was beating that bisquick, those pancakes are gonna end up as like leathery cakes of glue.

Dave Foley was absolutely born to play characters who say “Well gee, that’s just swell. Just swell.”

The fact that they shot in Chicago Union station for the train station scenes was just a slap in the face honestly

Maybe he witnessed the crime... because he committed it?

In Japan especially, Godzilla has always functioned as a political metaphor over what’s contemporarily relevant, be it the bomb, American military bases, fighting off invasive giant moths, etc.

Definitely thought that.