Dr. Boots' List


Ooh, that’s good. I had forgotten about that after listening to Metric’s Black Sheep version so many times.

Met a Matt, Morpho?

Hunger Games 6: The Search for More Hunger Games

I was expecting a movie about flaky layers of puff pastry separating creamy luscious vanilla crème pâtissière all topped with a decadent chocolate frosting layer of feathered black and white design. What I received was ... not that!

Git Dune done already

Because it comes in dollar form?

Wait until Scott learns that the hedgehog was actually named after the fast food chain. It’s gonna blow his little mind.

I’m two episodes in so far, and I’m glad I hadn’t read this review before watching them. This show works hard to zag when people expected it to zig, and it’s a fun surprise going in blind. I kinda think I see where it’s going in general, and I’m excited to see how it follows through.

I just really really wanted to see the raid on the Ice Court! Ah well.

Shadow and Bone is disappointing mainly because they had finally gotten to the best material from the books they were adapting. But holding the bulk of Six of Crows until the third season was always a risky move given Netflix’s propensity for killing shows off.

You’re right, Diddy Kang Multiversal Racing was sadly a huge flop.

It’s kind of surprising they haven’t tried to move Rian Johnson to a Marvel movie

It makes no sense. No sense at all.

It’s a man’s man’s man’s man’s man’s universe

Time travel?

Yes, it all makes sense. Because the main thing we know about spiders is how much they obsess over and/or hunger for totems.

It’s very important for all those medically educational spoken word albums they’re making these days.

The show found a pretty lovely way to end. It could have found material for a fourth season, but the death of Hoult’s characters definitely gave the third a good sense of finality.

That’s at least a question he has the expertise to answer.