

...with more power and a Fiat badge.

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Maybe I’ve been watching too much ST:NG, but I want a Honda called the Clitomer Accord.

All that and no specs or discussion on what makes it a great car compared to its contemporaries? Most of the British sports cars from the era had tractor engines along with other ‘aged’ equipment. Here’s a blue collar priced car that debuted in 1966 with a DOHC engine, a five speed and four wheel disk brakes, along

I know this may be a pretty unpopular submission, but I have never been able to get over the preportions of the last generation CTS Coupe. There are just huge flat expanses of flat metal and plastic paneling. The belt line is awkwardly high and the rake of the car front to rear makes for odd disparities between the

moved from an audi to a mazda, i’ve yet to have to take my mazda in for service for repairs.

i watched it just before bed last night. that miata almost sounds like a muscle car. i cant wait to see hte alfa/fiat version that will probably never come out

FCA is by no means the only one vulnerable right now. The hackers rated 24 cars and put together a risk assessment chart.

Jokes aside, it’s pretty awesome actually.

I don’t care what you’re driving, hitting a tree sideways at 75mph is a bad, bad day. Anything unibody is probably coming apart, and anything that doesn’t is highly likely to assume a U shape with a good chance of having no ‘livable’ space inside. Like wringing a metal towel soaked with humans.

I believe in Tavarish

Hey man, what does it take to get un-grayed around here? Is it so bad that I have a day job?

this thing is literally liveried like a fox news bulletin.

That’s a good one! Now I know what I’m watching on Netflix at lunchtime. Thanks!

Seemingly better people to talk to for car-buying advice:

Doug, next time talk to cardboard cutouts. You’d find more personality.

The answer is always Fulvia. At least here in Germany they were always a conaisseurs choice but in the last years there were a lot of them imported from Italy and prices icreased quite a bit. Also its as pretty as the sun setting over Charlize Theron, I heard... (never saw the sun setting over Charlize Theron and I

What did they do to that poor car :(

Actually, yes. From a science perspective, diesel fuel is less flammable than unleaded.