Except you choosing to not have children means the rest of society is raising the children that will be your doctors, lawyers, care workers some day. They're putting in that hard work so you don't have to, and yet you will benefit from their work.
I can relate, and it’s one of the things I work on in therapy. I think what helps me is doing small, positive things that make the world a little better. Giving up my seat on the bus to someone loaded down with bags, picking up a bit of litter on my morning walk, giving a few quarters to someone who’s just short at…
“Nobody should feel pressurised, while they travel on the Tube”
The accident in the lab is concerning. Zika is frightening. But more concerning to me (ever since the accident) are the neighborhood cats that have started to go missing. And the chickens that were slaughtered in Mrs. O’Henneson’s coop last week. Coulda been a wolf, but....there was a print in the blood. Looked more…
I feel like some of the gratuitous Oscar noms she has gotten have made people forget that the woman is probably the best actor ever. Yeah that’s right Daniel-Day Lewis and Leo DiCaprio, fight me!!
I had the joy of meeting Mr. Simmons in 2012. He was doing something at the offices I worked at and he stopped at each person’s desk and asked for a hug. He was intermittently laughing and crying. I don’t think anyone got any work done after he visited because we were all riding high off of it.
Yes to Yoko; No to RiffRaff. Honestly, I still don't know who that is and I can't bring myself to care.
Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?
My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.
I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,…
This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public…
Also, Courtney and Doug Stodden are expecting a little Eugene or Eugenia.
One day, I hope to find someone and have the type of relationship Dax and Kristen seem to have.
Hello all,
ICE COLD 2% AND OREOS? ALL DAY LONG, BABY. All damn day and into the night.