
I am an old, fat chick. I recently took fitness classes at my local community center. It was amazing how much support I found from other women and the (young, male) fitness instructor. I highly recommend trying this out for anyone looking for exercise classes, if there is one in your area.

I can’t look off my 5th story patio...

No.... that dog was just loose in its front yard. Not a good idea if no one is around to keep an eye on it!

I’m so sorry this happened to you! Dog walker here, and one day I was walking my labradoodle client in her neighborhood, and an unleashed dachshund in its front yard growled at us and then started to follow. No one came to check on the menacing dog, and I quickly walked my very timid client a different way home. If I

I’m also bereft of fun.

Yes, this! I fear I cannot have really short hair again...

Yes. My ex just bought a Chrysler 300. He’s an arrogant ass. Now it’s obvious to others.

I know I’m really tardy for the party here, but I initially read this in a mindset of fear earlier this week; my son has had terrible bruising mostly on his lower body that has been gradually getting worse... long story short, we spent 4 hours tonight at our children’s hospital and discovered he has Idiopathic

Thank you. I really needed this right now.

This should be a universal rule everyone learns: respect others’ bubbles. You don’t get to touch another person’s hair because you find it interesting, you don’t get to touch a pregnant belly, and you don’t get to touch someone else’s kid.

First, I’ll mention that I brought my (now ex-) husband for support and to help convince her. She asked me several questions about how I felt. One was,”have you had thoughts about harming your baby?” My answer to that was “no”. My only negative answer. Her response? “You don’t have post-partum depression.”

I will never understand why v people can’t just choose kindness. Also, she c looks amazing in her tux.

My humble story: I expected to have PPD, based on history of depression. I made an appointment with my doctor, weeks after birth, and brought my hubby along for support. She didn’t believe me and told me it was something else. And weeks later, I tried to commit suicide. So, women, please get a second opinion!!

I was just noticing that I know none of those other artists. I’m really old.

As adorable as this bonnet is, I remember having to wear horrific bonnets and dresses when I was a little girl, way back in the seventies.

I really can’t thank you enough for this. I think what keeps my resolve is an epiphany I had the day I brought my son home from the hospital. The nurses had told me not to feed him until I could; he was hungry and crying and I decided, the hell with them, I’m going to do what I think is best for him. When he’s 20 and

I’m dealing with a verbally abusive estranged husband (we have a child together) who has some narcissistic qualities. He has been trying to manipulate me into coming back to him with guilt and “family values”. I’m being very careful because I’m never sure he won’t become dangerous. But his recipe for awfulness seems

I’m so with you. The sad thing about mind is that they couldn’t produce even 50% of the milk I needed to make for my son, and they’ve never been pretty, so I would have no qualms getting them removed....

They’re on your head.

What bothers me so much about the idiots boycotting Target is that they are so concerned about the safety of their children now. First of all, I go into the bathroom with my 7 year old son. Also, why aren’t they concerned about predatory women? When my son was tiny, I was changing him at a mall bathroom. There was a