
Yes indeed. To them that’s bragging about how safe and wonderful things are going to be, since displays of false wealth=security to them.

He literally began his campaign calling Mexican immigrants rapists and other assorted criminals. There was other stuff he threw on top of that, but blatant racism was a central sell, even in his first campaign.

Yes.  Very much yes


Lord have mercy this is the term I’ve been looking for to describe why organizing on the left is always such a crapshoot. The egos and narcissism used by people just drags everything down and alienates people.

IF that’s what she was/is doing, she could have written that. Or she could have just resigned. If she was as sorry as she says she is, she wouldn’t need to negotiate her exit, and if she was transparent or open or honest it wouldn’t need to be some secret thing going on behind closed doors. There is no reason to give

Very much.

I saw on twitter that she was outed by some grad (I think) students that looked into her background so she was just scrambling to put out a statement before they did. No way she would have revealed this if it had not been discovered, she was just trying to get in front of things. Although, she did it very poorly but

I’m guessing she was in a hurry to come out with the story first before she was exposed, which a group of students was about to do. Now I’m guessing she’s in talks with GWU to negotiate her exit. 

I guess we’re all blind when it comes to ourselves, but.. this is a woman who has undoubtedly called for other people to resign, to make reparations, to step back. In the most recent example I could find, she criticized white people for taking up space in a city council meeting and told them to cede their time to

We have a friend couple who are of Korean (him) and Mexican (her) descent. Both US-born, both doctors. They changed their children’s last names to hers when it came time for their oldest to start applying for college.

I once knew a white girl who, despite her given Scotch-Irish surname, used (and probably still continues to use) her grandmother’s Latin maiden name on all her artist grant applications in order to give herself a perceived leg up as well as to qualify for POC-centered programs for which she’d be otherwise ineligible.

Rachels, white female racial appropriators e.g., girl, Adele just pulled some Rachel bullshit with those bantu knots.

“What unites these stories of “ethnic fraud” is their conservative belief that being non-white rewards a person with material benefits, at least if you’re a writer or scholar who believes there is profit to be made off of identity politics. But that belief is largely false—the few opportunities that exist for

If you play a Nickelback record backwards you’ll feel better about yourself.

In his memoir, Pete Townshend wrote about hearing the voice of God in a Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, in 1967. Back then, rock stars were probably holding regular conversations with God or Satan or whomever. But...not only am I a Who fan, my family was living in that very town that year. Like wow,

It's either play stupid to cover criminality, or run into criminality because stupidity. Take your pick, Barr.

Yes, Congress is at a stalemate. But it’s a stalemate wholly engineered by McConnell and his fellow fascists. As the election gets nearer, we need to always make sure that the right people get the credit for the disastrous condition this country finds itself in.