
she can pick up some new, actually rich hubby without too much effort

Be Locked Up

As the proud mother of two black daughters, Melania will put dead Trump on a post-mortem world tour like James Brown did after he died. His family can squeeze every last ounce of grift from him and the MAGA clowns before the title fight of Jr vs. the Princess for the mighty valuable Trump brand name.

I think we’ll find out that nobody owns anything, except Russian banks.

I call BS on that. Prenup or not won’t matter. He owes way too much money to way too many foreign governments, and he’s got a long line of State DAs waiting to press various charges. If he loses the election, she has to make a choice. He won’t be worth anything after he leaves office. He’ll be so far in debt and be

Lock Her Up?

My grandparents were the same way - they were just miserable people to begin with but between my grandpa finding a highly paid blue collar worker with a great pension and benefits and not spending a cent more than necessary ever, there was a lot of cash in the bank, enough to create a small trust for the family.

She’s a total net wt. 

But Melania speaks 6 languages!

I don’t think it looks bad, but it does look very obviously fake in the same way a dramatic set of false eye lashes looks very obviously fake. Their hair is too long and too thick to look natural. Not that super long, thick hair can’t exist in the wild, but it takes a lot of care (and good genes!) to keep really long

Pretty much. The difference between people just breaking 6-figure incomes and the people with 7-8 figure bank statements is dramatic. I just barely break 6-figures but I grew up just above abject poverty because my parents landed decent if still low paying government jobs. The people I occasionally run into at various

When I lived in Wisconsin the third flavor you’re describing here was more interested in driving the biggest possible Yukon, Escalade or if they’re really fancy, Range Rover, while wearing bedazzle butt jeans and cowboy boots.

well, until someone got really sick and then there would be all the money in the world in a situation where your middle class parents would’ve gone bankrupt

I’ve hard the third group referred to as “$60k millionaires”. They are living off of credit card debt and genuinely believe that “fake it ‘til you make it” is an effective mantra.

Teslas tend to draw the techy Libertarian breed of shit head. Never make eye contact, or you will have to hear about cryptocurrencies until the heat death of the universe.

In my experience, the third type isn’t rich rich. I could always guess a person’s net worth by how they treated sales or wait staff. Medium rich and they were without exception raging don’t-you-know-who-I-am assholes. Very rich and they are almost always polite - maybe not kind or likeable, but not rude, either. And

This is exactly accurate. The richest people look homeless, why? They have nothing to prove.

Yes. And there are actually rich republicans that believe in climate change but also vote R because they’re afraid of minorities and they don’t want to pay taxes.

My in-laws have a house in a tiny Florida beach town that has this random ass strip of McMansions. You will see solar panels on top of a house with a Prius

It makes sense, but it’s hard to make out on the video. Barron was a wee thing then and is obscured by Trump’s bulk. The timing of the kick would be too perfect, but it makes sense that Barron would get excited when his dad turned around (and proceeded to only smile at Ivanka...).

I didn't know that about the school... But the family--God isn’t that the truth! That pit of vipers... I can’t say much for his mother but she does seem devoted and actively protects him. The fact that no one says ANYTHING makes me feel he has some type of problem, and whenever they show him....He always looks around