
She’s been on my evil minion list forever.

The rightwingers got ahold of Kyle Rottonhouse’s juvenile police records, stat.

Now that the right has on constant reel of one of the ‘dark men on planes’ lighting his feet on fire, I want to ask a question.

Yes, the police shooting need to be investigated, but notice how other violence in the streets is not.

Agreed, but Herr drumph used to loudly insist he was not a racist. Every cletus safari had his voters insulted and refusing such nonsense. You’re the racist for calling him/us racist! Proud Boys: We’Ew nOt raCist!

Lili: I’ve been through some shit, and I’m a star.

If a lot of double votes show up, it could be ‘feasible’ grounds for saying there has been illegal election interference. This spanner in the works helps them because double ballots almost never, ever happen, because we aren’t morans.

This is a gift. They can’t pretend otherwise ever again.

Maybe thank him for real, too.

They started out with a lot of mealymouthed reasonz: tax cutz, economic anxiety, drain the swamp, save the dead babies, but now they have no more excuses. Trump has shit the bed and they crawled right in and said it all good.

I know! The rethuglicans are all: “Looook at all the tRump booooaters, look at all the big truck rallies. JOE doesn’t even have a single one!”

Forcing your religious doctrine onto others has never been okay.

“I have this fantasy where the whole lot of them are together somewhere and there is a “tragedy” that takes them all out.”

I grew up poor, and I might be able to shed some light on your mother’s position.

Children Stories, or Stupid White Woman that Liked “Gone With the Wind”:

Stupid White Woman here that Liked Gone With the Wind:

This is what you get when you declare war and the LGBTQ+ community, and I am here for it.

My favorite part of ‘Fleabag’ was how her Dad’s wife was smiley and charming, and what a deeply, deeply awful person she was.

The ‘Melania and Me’ book just released said she frowned because she got accidentally kicked by a nervous and fidgeting Barron.

I read the school Barron von Drumph attends (school is a recipient of PPP loan and currently closed for covid-19) specializes in special education for rich kids. So, I would have no issue if they felt interviews would be not in Barron’s best interest.