
The US is so far up Saudia Arabia’s ass...

The fact that Pompeo actually said

Only in America where a black person “accidentally” dies at a white persons party.

When your job is literally to deny medical care to as many people as possible, causing suffering and even death, and you're good at it and somehow proud of your accomplishments, it shows. Money and makeup can't cover up evil.

Don’t forget, Chauvin is also set to stand trial for fraud charges over where he got the funds for that lovely lake house of his. Of course he’s going to try to reduce his charges for this.

Here’s the part that gets MY goat:

“He says very strongly that he didn’t do it,” Trump said. “Bob, they spent $400 billion over a fairly short period of time.”

The reason why they love and are so fanatically devoted to Trump is that he gets to be racist without consequences. He’s the embodiment of their fantasies.

you mean they like money 

Exactly. That hospital was doing some serious bullshit. Illegal HIPAA bullshit. They are going down.

Yeah, and it’s possible to lock the records down to people who only need access.

I realize it’s not feasible to monitor ALL employees nor restrict access to patient records

Sue the hospital. I realize it’s not feasible to monitor ALL employees nor restrict access to patient records, and I would not want either. But the breaches happened in their medical establishment. I can’t see how liability couldn’t be traced to the hospital, especially *after* the first instance. HIPAA isn’t a loose

Nah, but it’s useful ammunition in our many attempts at getting shit done.

Sometimes stupidity is as likely an explanation as malice. This is not one of those times. Anyone too stupid to understand the meaning of that “joke” is too stupid to know which side of the text it the top.

It took you that long to give up on KM, he was shit the moment he went full “slavery was a choice” Kanye mode with the black republican bullshit.

I am just here for all The Bernie Bros, Dems Are Corporate Shills and Kamala is Cop frauds who had their lips on the ass of D-Listers like Shiller I mean Killer Mike. Congrats your man met with a fucking thief that purged 300,000 voters from the Georgia rolls and stole an election. Feel free to eat shit and die. Oh

Haha, now Gov. Kemp wants to practice social distancing?

I think that it is kind of interesting because unlike most of these books (which are spurned former officials looking for payback) Kushner said this to a journalist because he thought it would make people admire trump. And the madness of him thinking describing the president as a psycho cat with no goals or ability to

“LOoook at all those boats! Wait, are they sinking?”