
The same people who vote for her father may very well vote for her. We can’t count her out by saying she’s not qualified for the job. That clearly hasn’t held her father back.

A real libertarian man would have stood up against the mob with nothing but his force of personality.

Your husband was killed and you’re using his death to support fascism on national TV? How does this not radicalize you in the other direction?

My only hope is that eventually cops and cop families come to the same realizations as many combat vets and their families. You aren’t protecting freedom when it’s your bosses

Melania Trump looks like she been holding in a fart for like 15 years.

Jesus those are some serious Jersey Shore tans going on there. And who TF thought that dress was a good idea??

No, you are not paranoid. The NYPD all have their heads up their own asses.

Starred for Lizzie Bennett. 

See also, every other police union.

Probably deliberate - the NYPD Police Union is absolute garbage.

I think she's the only one who could pull that dress off. 

Her stylist has to be a Democrat. There is no other plausible explanation.

That 100% polyester ectoplasm dress is a monstrosity of color, material, and proportion. There’s a reason it’s on clearance.

Trump continued: “As long as I am president, we will defend the absolute right of every American citizen to live in security, dignity, and peace.” Like when he told the cops to smash people’s heads into cars or when he insulted POWs because “he likes soldiers that don’t get captured”, or when he sent federal agents

Megan, all I saw were two sister wives who looked pregnant.

Yeah, the officers tragic death has been a right-wing cudgel for a while. A distant relative of mine posted some deeply racist meme comparing this officer’s tragic death with that of George Floyd. Why were BLM holding up George Floyd as a hero, when he was a drug addict and failure, etc. Why weren’t people out

It’s one thing for the RNC to parade a bunch of Uncle Toms and Aunt Beckys out to be used as props to help salve the consciences of white voters who want to do racist things like vote for Trump while considering themselves not racist. Tim Scott and Ben Carson and the rest are grown adults with their own agency and if

Trump does love using people as props. Doesn’t matter if they’re dead or alive.

As a black man married to a white woman and have a biracial child,if she told me she loved Trump and his views, I would have no problem leaving her immediately. How can you see black men unarmed and murdered and have those views but love your husband at the same time? She thought he was the only “ good one” .  

But are you a greedy reactionary splotchy white dude? That’s the formula for success in The Greater American Empire™.

I’ve been screaming for three years, now, and I’m a splotchy white dude.