This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!
“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”
Sorry, but I’m tired of men getting praised for “at least he’s...”
RWNJs are ALWAYS comparing apples to oranges. It’s their signature thing.
“It would be like me accidentally sending a picture of my naked wife to someone,” McKay is quoted as telling investigators. “The stars couldn’t have lined up any worse.”
I was about to say that maybe the guy encouraging his daughter to try anal should shut the hell up?
I’ve written about this on this site before - after a lifetime of strongly advocating for stronger gun control measures and genuinely not understanding why any private citizen would need a gun, I made the difficult decision to purchase a handgun and get a CPL.
Hymen checker doesn’t need to be giving advice on anything, ever.
Uh you could also argue that Jay Cutler wasn’t really active for most of his career either but hey that is just me. Hockey Legend Bobby Orr chimed into today with his endorsement and something he wrote kind of puzzled and pissed me off. He said Donald Trump was the kind of guy he wanted on his team. Really? You want a…
Ray Lewis, Jim Brown and how many others have shamed themselves and the millions of men & women that fought and died for them. I mean there are so many jokes to make about Wayne it ain’t funny. He read the platinum plan but the contract Baby made him sign? What excuse does Cube have? For real he came up in the era…
I think these men like Trump for the same reason a lot of white men like him. He’s vulgar. That’s it in a nutshell. And if you call women bitches and hos, and you think it’s cool to beat up on women or grab them by the pussy, or you see no need to spend your rap money on your children, then you will be drawn to…
Well she has 3 of the main qualities that Fox News wants. She’s blonde, reasonably attractive and has abhorrent views on a number of subjects. Laura Ingratiating is getting a little long in the tooth and will be “Ann Coultered” soon enough.
People in NYC are not going to magically forgive them, lol.
Remember a couple years back when she talked about her punk phase? lol wellllll....Johnny Rotten is a trump supporter now (and has been a shithead forever). At least there’s still Jello Biafra.
Do you really think the stench of the last four years will prevent them from landing once again in good standing in NYC? I hope they’re pariahs (and felons, to boot), but people have short memories. Look at everyone's favorite convicted rapist, Mike Tyson. Cartoons! Podcasts! Movie roles! People don't care once the…
I guess she’s decided there’s no going back to New York rich society life, and is leaning hard into the conservative media circuit.
added a selfie that I got with AOC a couple years ago.
you can a be feminist and wear make up, it’s fine. A lot of women have power clothes and makeup