Kingsley Zissou

Shawn’s defense is that she did utter his last name, which pretty much implied that she was asking for the wood.

AKA Ched “Cheddar? I don’t Even Know Her!” Evans

Because in England, behaviour includes ‘you’.

Airport retail space is a gillion dollars a square foot. No chance.

Well hopefully after all that the kid wins a cup.

DeBrusk says he was able to get a grip when he finally saw a shrink.

A player has the ball long enough to be the runner when, after he squeezes the potato with his greedclaw and his thundertrunk suctions to the swampy grass, he is capable off warding of a hex from the Field Magi, swallowing the potato outright, gallivanting to the dusky dimension via mirrorpool or fog portal, or filing

This story sounded exciting when I first got into it, then I ended up saying to myself, “That’s it? What’s the big deal?” It was just like a real visit to a museum!

Wow, Cueto really threw us a curveball, which is something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?

Man, that Jared Leto is something else.

And his last once he gets in the Rio water.

The only way to make this event even remotely interesting is to invite Rom Romberts, make him wear a bag over his head, and in the end reveal that he’s actually Bernie Sanders.


That looks like the personification of a hanging Chad.

It is worth noting that the score of 20 to 1 kinda looks like a dick and balls on the screen.

Not since Mariano Rivera retired have we seen such a nasty cutter.