
I always love that photo. One, for the perturbed look on his face when he’s pissed.  And two, for showing he doesn’t even know how to fold his arms like a human.

Just a bit of a correction Mr. Crockett Jr. Ms. James, Mr. Vance and company will no be able to see when T**** started working with the Russians because the scope of these taxes only go as far back as 2011. They do not go into the 80's when the Russians first targeted his pre-orange dumb fat ass. However, what it will

I’m happy that Vance has Trump’s tax records but I’ll be happier when Tish James gets them.

It was totally Malcolm in the Middle!

I may be clutching at straws here but I feel that Westview being trapped inside a giant energy bubble is a sly nod to The Simpson’s movie.

The Simpsons would’ve been very, very cool to try, and wouldn’t really be a huge leap given Disney owns both Marvel and Fox. That said, I agree that Malcolm was probably the best choice given the show’s direction.

*Toilet flushes*

Full House and Family Matters never really moved past the 80s (both technically first aired in the 80s, although just barely in Family Matters’ case). Blossom, Boy Meets World, et al I feel mark significant enough shifts in the form to merit consideration; the bigger problem is that the most 90s of all the 90s sitcoms

Disney already showed their hand with the mid season trailer, so we know that next week is deffo Modern Family inspired. I think that’s the last of the homages, meaning the final two episodes will be something akin to regular MCU content.

That title sequence (at least the music) felt like some of the 2000s Disney Channel sitcoms, too, appropriately enough.

Roseanne and Fresh Prince jump out as iconic family sitcoms of the 90s but neither would quite work for the "boring suburbs" feel of the other shows they've referenced (which would also seem to make a Modern Family homage inevitable). 

I was hoping for an animated episode ala The Simpsons, though knew it was extremely unlikely to ever happen.

Or, in Ted Cruz’s case, from within his own office. “New phone, who’s this?”

Thank you, Mario! But our princess Prius is in another parking lot!

Counterpoint: a real president would have told his team to figure out distribution locations, cubic feet of freezer space needed, and started building a distribution system back in summer. Because if you don’t use Pfizer’s vaccine you can just set the freezers a bit warmer to stash your other vaccines.

Holy hit, getting your kids kicked out of school because you’re trying to prop up Daddy’s delusions about COVID, and then losing the election anyway....

BTW, as to WHY this episode feels so bad, I think it has to do with the tone the DCAU had. As awesome as the DCAU is, the tone of the universe doesn’t really lend itself well to traditional Silver Age craziness (until maybe JLU).

Now playing

Technically, that was a Superman: The Animated Series episode. The only crossover episode that was TNBA was Girl’s Night Out (Supergirl & Batgirl vs. Poison Ivy, Livewire, and Harley), the rest were Superman: TAS.

Wait, you mean the episode where Superman pretends to be Batman so he mimics Bruce’s voice (and even Tim’s at one point) and they go and explore a lab somewhere and Sueprman has to act like he’s getting hurt so as to not give away his identity? Listen it’s been decades since I saw it but I’m still pretty sure that

One of my favorites from this era was when Superman filled in for a missing Batman and wiped out his entire rogues gallery in about 90 seconds.