
I think this goes beyond Covid. Disney has been slow-playing their construction for years. Construction that could have been finished long before Covid (e.g., Tron) is still ongoing. They also decided to fire a crap ton of people during Covid with apparently no intention of replacing many of them. And they decided to

That is mine! Unfortunately Jezebel didn’t include the update. The incident happened just over a month ago. Since then, my daughter has repeatedly (and nonchalantly) said “mummy has a shadow on her back”. She’s not precise about verb tense so I think/hope it’s past tense.

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, and I never thought I would say this, but the slideshow format actually works pretty well for the stories. I like to read on my phone, take a break after a couple, but when I return after some time my tab refreshes and I lose my spot. Then I have to scroll scroll scroll, and

The bloody hands one might be the most memorable of this year, though I think I slightly prefer the one with the train tracks, it was nicely evocative. 

I was wondering the same thing.

And here’s another tale from my mom’s time in the lab:

“Tales from an ER Laboratory”

If Banjo-Kazooie is coming, then Diddy Kong Racing is a very real possibility.

Buried the lede as well: ONLINE 4P CAPABILITY!

Someone needs to clone Elder and run him in every GOP Senate primary. Then just let him wander around talking. 

I notice that there’s been calls for recall reform in California, which I agree is sorely needed to prevent this bullshit proceeding from happening again without good valid reasons. Maybe model it after Wisconsin’s recall effort on Gov. Scott Walker (even though he won that one)?

Republicans cost themselves this election by refusing to endorse a candidate and letting Larry Elder coopt the recall and drive their base to the right.

I mean... supporters also aren’t exactly keen on Newsom’s handling of a swath of things either (e.g., environment, unemployment, homelessness). We just unfortunately know that we can’t actually elect anyone better...

Waste of 300 million dollars. Fiscally conservative my ass.

Elder is also already floating the “election fraud” narrative out there, which means his internal polling must be pretty bad for him.

Newsom is going to survive, and Republicans can blame themselves for two big reasons:

Did they get Willem Dafoe back? I feel like I would have remembered.

Take the E across town and I know a firm that might be able to help

♫ But he’s scarier without it on. ♫

And what kind of America would ever distrust perfectly conclusive video evidence