
I feel like that was Prisoner of Azkaban. Cut alot out and added talking shrunken heads for some reason to the Knight Bus!!!

Yup. Thats exactly how they’re going to paint it. Especially since its pretty much going to determine the balance of power in the Senate. “We’re the last protection against those Socialist Commie Libs taking your guns and freedoms away!!” 

“Dont play politics with peoples lives” says the VP of the President that politicized a effing pandemic!! That fly knew bullshit when it saw it and went for it.

YES!!!! My favorite time of the year!!!!!!!!!!


The intro cinematic for Revenge was CRAZY!!!! I wonder if that semi truck ever got past Sting’s blockade..

Annnddd I’m going to hell for laughing at that..Take your star


In our area (Los Angeles) it would be on Saturday mornings usually before noon

I thought that was going to be the improvised finish right there. 

The Subway I goto at lunch, lets you make any 6-inch sub a ciabatta sandwich for an extra charge. 

This is 100% what will happen

So the new Prime Minister is Great Value Brand Trump?? 

I was watching this at the gym and legit laughed out loud at that line, forgetting that I was the only one watching! Such a great show and I really hope it gets picked up for a second season! (There’s been no official word either way) 

Roundball Rock was actually used for this “reboot” of the NBA Jam franchise.

Yes, if I remember correctly their goal was to get Stone Cold to break at ringside during their match and they purposely put on a ridiculous goofy match.


A few years ago, a group of friends and I were in line at our local theater in Burbank, CA waiting for Hellboy 2. This was before reserved seating in theaters was a thing, so we had arrived early and were first in line waiting outside the theater, killing time til they let us in.
One of my friends looks over to the