
This bullshit is nothing but a play to his base... not the Republican base but to Trump’s base as he has hijacked the GOP. McConnell’s statement on the Senate floor, Graham’s pontificating on Fox, and the random tweets are nothing more than feeding meat to the masses. Like racism, abortion, and same sex marriage, the

I see a tiny problem with your analysis- you appear to be basing it on how reasonable people would act. I’d be inclined to adjust it and consider how how wounded, rabid bear might act. STICKIN’ IT TO THE LIBS! WHO ARE COMIN’ FOR MAH GUNS!! COMMIES!!  Seriously tho, expect MAJOR shenanigans.

Honestly, from the delivery, it sounded more like familial/platonic love not romantic/sexual. Now whether that was intent, bad delivery, or them wanting to try to have it both ways is up for debate. 

It was actually surprising and set a tone for the campaign that I don’t think the other side expected. I mean they are going to go for the attack ads, but as pointed here, the knot they are about to twist themselves to will be amazing.

Thanks for posting the Warnock ad. I loved it.

Biden needs to use the full power of the federal government to investigate and prosecute all of the shady dealings of Cocaine/Moscow/Mandarin Mitch and his crooked spy beard, Elaine Chao. Where is their money from? What did they get in return? What about the judges? What promises were made by and for them? Who paid

I. Am. Furious.

Exactly. And if they win one more seat in the runoff in Georgia, at worst it would be a 50-50 tie in the senate, with the deciding vote going to Harris. He needs to find a great AG and really start digging into all of these dark money connections in the Republican party

Especially as he actively laughed at the deaths during the debate.

People in Kentucky actually fucking hate him but he brings a LOAD of federal cash into the state so they keep voting for him.

Bidan can fix that by having his new AG investigate the GOP for their connections to Russian money and for Moscow Mitch himself, his connections to China through his wife.

As much anxiety around this election there is, this country is beyond broken. The fact that Linsey Graham, Susan Collins, and Fuck boy here kept there seats speaks volumes. On top of the fact even more people voted for trump this time around. How in the hell can we fix this system? Ever since Newt Gingrich pulled that

We wallow in mediocrity because we have tens of millions of poor, uneducated, intellectually lazy, middle/rural white Americans who would rather drag the entire country down to their level than think, even for just one second, that someone else (read: black people) seeing greater success than theirs can be a good thing

Definitely believes this is God’s plan for her.

Trump praised Putin, Jong & Xi in Allentown and the audience cheered and jeered Biden who was the punchline. If you doubt his abilities as a conman think about how folks in a steel factory town who sent sons to fight fascism, can cheer a rich guy from NYC who dodged draft 5x.

I know Trump is a moron, and we all know it, but it was kind of amazing to watch in real time, someone at the top of the country’s power structure, have an obvious joke go so far over his head that Biden was bewildered and had to try to explain it. He truly did not understand in any way how claiming to be the “best

No, sarcasm is when you earnestly ask if you can inject bleach and then people make fun of you so you didn’t really mean it.

The CNN fact-checker said he was “better-behaved, but lied more.”

So it feels important to point out that Welker didn’t have control of the mute button. Also, did 100x better than Chris Wallace. But she did definitely let Trump steamroll over the time limits and could have probably done better calling out some of the more obvious ridiculousness. Overall, though, I thought she did

i am terrified that, by hook or by crook, this man is going to be reelected.