
So, best case scenario, the interior of the White House is covered in sharpie drawings, and Trump coughed all over it too, is what it sounds like.

Bolton added: “If it is clear what the outcome is, it is up to Republicans, not Democrats to say ‘this is on us. He’s got to go.’”

fuck this guy. If he had testified at Trump’s impeachment hearing we might not even be going through this.  


Never forget that it was Bolton who refused to save America by testifying during Trump’s impeachment because he was busy pushing his bullshit book.

I’m not sure who’s worse at this point, Trump or all the craven assholes that have blindly stood by and let him run amok. At least with Trump, you knew what you were dealing with, because he’s consistant.

Gee thanks, Mr. “I did nothing when I should have”. What’re you going to do, do nothing again and write another book about it?

“Bolton added that Trump has “the attention span of a fruit fly” and “never had a clue how he expected to get through this.”

And while we are at it, fuck John Bolton and his mustache. Never forget that it was Bolton who refused to save America by testifying during Trump’s impeachment because he was busy pushing his bullshit book.

Nice White House y’all got here. Be a shame if something happened to it between November and January 20th. 

“Either you die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - Eazy E

His new single, “Fuck Tha Police But Only With Their Consent And After Buying Them A Romantic Dinner” is quite catchy, I hear.

For the TL;DR crowd: Trump was a fan of Obama but realized that hate resonates with racists, so he became an Obama hater. Basically, it’s the story of Hulk Hogan becoming Hollywood Hogan.

I know Eddie Van Halen, and I ‘ate him! (Don’t ask Crosby about the mess he left on the rug.)

And a hot plate!

Good thing you didn’t finish the article, the whole thing is a minefield of killers like that.

So, before the fly (who I’d personally like to nominate for a Nobel prize for advances in the art of trolling), the high-watermark for me was Kamala’s line about Trump regarding science:

Uhhhh....I literally went from RECIEVING tax returns to PAYING $5k.   Fuck this entire administration in their stupid fuck holes.

So the one lie that made me just “shut da fuq up already with this bullshit” right off the bat was Penis talking about that 2 grand that we all supposedly got because of Orange Julius’ tax cuts.

The undead are not bothered by vermin. They revel in their disease and decay.