
Newsom is killing it. Hope he's ready to secede. 

While choosing to word systemic racism as “outcomes.” Disingenuous fuck.

And will not blink an eye when the truth comes out and Cameron’s career is toast. And Cameron deserves it. What Daniel, you thought Moscow Mitch was your friend?

I’d love him to have to sell his golf courses and Mara Lago at some sort of public auction, while he stands to the side and watches every single bid start at super low ball and go up by $5 at a time, concluding in a discounted sale of his most prized possessions that falls far short of anyone’s expectations.

That’s wasted money. You might as well set it on fire. Our best bet for neutering McConnell is flipping the Senate and make him Minority Leader. I’m wondering who Dems would make Majority Leader. I don’t want it to be Schumer.

Melania is just as awful as her husband is. She’s vain, shallow, and racist, but isn’t dumb enough to not protect herself and her son. Her “robot” persona is just her not being a good enough actress to feign interest.

I hate how kinja posts this twice.

I believe Americans sent a Republican president and a Republican Senate to Washington to ensure we have an impartial judiciary that upholds the Constitution and the rule of law.

Also, she’s not in the senate, so there is literally nothing she can actually do to “fight.” For 2 days now I’ve seen these vague calls to action to “FIGHT!” with no one actually describing what the Dems can actually do to fight this one that won’t be devastating going into an election ear (new articles of

Yep. Persons who cast their votes for either Green Party Candidate Jill Stein or Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson in the 2016 Presidential election actually cast their vote for the GOPer/American divider dude Donnie ‘Jefe’ Drumpftoid. Repeat: any vote cast for Presidential Candidates other than Democrat Hillary

Trump says he expects a Supreme Court nominee to be picked ‘next week,’ and it will ‘most likely’ be a woman. This coming from the misogynistic Trump and GOP. It’ll be an awful woman who’s bought and paid to serve Trump and the GOP. The same as all the other people Trump and the GOP have appointed.

You ain’t wrong on that one. I tried to get my black friends to vote, but they were like “Naw, it’s Hilary”....and me just SMH!! Now they are all complaining and I am like “Really???? You have no right to complain after what you did in 2016!”

I mean the comments under here are downright laughable. Anyone blaming the “dems” and “Chuck And Nancy” are clueless. Maybe if you so called “woke” and “Progressive” folks had voted in 2010 & 2014 we wouldn’t be here. Maybe if you “burn it to the ground” folks hadn’t pissed away your vote in 2016 by going third party

So.... another stimulus check, weekly unemployment at $600/week for out of work Americans, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Bill all that the House passed that are currently sitting in the Senate for months haven’t even been brought to the floor for a vote but Moscow Mitch will

If anyone is shocked and surprised at this, they have been living under rocks for four years. We might even get the spectacle of a lame duck president and some lame duck senators choosing the new Justice. Thank you, 2020.

The Rancho Cucamonga Clippers also took seven minutes to score a basket in the fourth quarter of Game 7.

She’ll be 37 by then, that’s a little old by Trump family standards.

Fresh out of the gate, preening fop Lindsay Graham...

Beth’s explaner worries me because it’s more than two sentences and requires the person listening to have a basic understanding of causality. So, it’s not likely to actually convince anyone who needs convincing.