
Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

Re: Starlord, we’re all out on Pratt at this point, yeah? He can only coast on people thinking he’s actually Andy Dwyer for so long while he spews bullshit about white working class people not having enough movies made about them and leaves his wife for someone a decade-plus younger, right?

They’re perfect palate cleansers after a big Avengers movie. All Avengers movies should be followed by an Ant Man movie

Geez, more like Jake Peevy.

Depend on whether you think of Robert Smith of the Cure as being a “good guy”

Make turtle jokes if you must, but McConnell is pretty fucking spry for someone who fought in the Civil War.  Until Congress is separated from their platinum-for-life healthcare plans, these parasites will outlive us all.

It wasn’t narrow, though. Rock,Austin, HHH, Taker, Angle, Jericho, Mankind, Benoit, all could rotate in and out of the main title picture. They once had to have a 6 man HIAC because they had so many ME level talent. And Angle was able to attain that within 6 months of entering the company.

they won’t trim the roster because they’re trying to keep established starts out of AEW and ROH right now. The biggest thing they could do to make some room though is ditch the part-timers taking up space. Did the HHH vs Batista match add anything to wrestlemania? does anyone still like watching Brock Lesnar turn

The Endgame after credits should be everyone eating Shawarma.

I’m sorry, Davis.  I can’t allow you to fire me.

The backlash to Asuka pointlessly losing her title to Charlotte on the SmackDown before Wrestlemania basically proves this. Fans (and other performers, if Twitter is to be believed) genuinely like and respect Asuka, and knee-capping her like that pissed everybody off in the wrong kind of way.

While she was originally the focus of the rebranded/refocused women’s division along with Charlotte Flair, she’s long been out of the title picture.

That seems like it has to be the rationale, right? Which feels like a cop-out, or, at least, like the writers, neither of whom seem to be Latino, took the easy way out. Oh well. I think it’s ultimately a half-step in the right direction.

As I like to joke about far too often, as far as Nintendo is concerned this is the origin of these Smash characters:

Makes me wonder if Trump put him in charge of the VA because he thinks Captain America is real and that Ike did right by him.

It’s just a language-barrier issue. The correct response is “AH FOOK OFF YER BLOODY COONT!”

Get the fuck outta here he’s gotta shave that shit off. That hairline is the mausoleum of all hope and desire.

Best skit ever. Give the Asian delegation credit, they saw value in the Wu-Tang Clan and grabbed them.

Oh, everything's stolen nowadays. Why, the fax machine is nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached.