
Every time I see that name spelled with an X.

As Trump digs himself deeper and deeper into a Russia-sized hole, his lawyers - honored as the 2016 Russia Law Firm of the Year - have announced that his tax returns in the past decades do not show “any income of any type from Russian sources,” with a few exceptions.

I guess they couldn’t run out on to the fields with the white hoods on for safety reasons?

Saint Drew - the patron saint of HOT TAKES

god damn it! Does this mean I have to get rid of this?

Well that’s different. Usually the biggest boob you see at a Marlins game is Jeffrey Loria.

this is insanely accurate

Bellinger’s swing is a mix of Ken Griffey Jr. and a beer league softball guy trying to prove how big his dick is with his swing.

All seriousness: if a candidate got up in front of the country and gave the “Hard Times” speach, I’d vote for them.

Still doesn’t beat Tomy Chimmel’s “Rated-R SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-perstar”.

Wrestling fans might be used to hearing Justin Roberts introduce names like John Cena

Enough. If we want to move forward in repairing out democracy, we need to stop with out fascination with celebrity and star power. Articles like this are part of the problem. I hope our next president is charisma-free. I hope he’s is boring and uninspiring. That’s why I support Roman Reigns in 2024.

This is one hundred percent genuine: I think we could do a whole hell of a lot worse than The Rock.

Even though 2024 is still seven years away, Cena fans would still only be about 15 years-old. Rock would win in a landslide.

I think Zeldas butt was smaller.

Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.

Straight Outta Compton

“left spluttering”...

This feels like the escape the room equivalent of the Zelda CD-i games