
Great review, but I'm confused as to why you'd use a stock image of the Ferguson Police Department for it.

I'll go see it because I love the Turtles. I like seeing different interpretations of characters from books, movies and comics, so I don't hate every new super hero project to come out in the past 10 years.

The key to sneaking in appears to be wearing a suit and telling security you are there for an important meeting.

His yelling "Fuck" was a delayed reaction to still being on the Phillies after the trade deadline had passed.

I'd be sad, too. History, recent or otherwise, hasn't shown Washington to be very hospitable to Indians.

I really thought that was Queen Latifah at first.

The scariest parts of this Sharknado movie were seeing washed-up D-listers 20 years after their "prime."

Wait a damn minute! Punky Brewster made an appearance on Saved By The Bell?!

Kelly was the Marcia Brady of your generation.

I think we're all missing the important bit here; that was a terrible strike 3 call.

"I would have been there for the cut-off." ~ Manny Ramirez

Will his micro nuts be to scale?

I don't mind the Subway smell but I don't understand its origin. It is an incredibly-specific odor that literally does not exist anywhere on earth besides Subway. What the hell is the chemical combination that causes that smell?

I am pretty sure I could get through the first challenge where they run on the tilted 6' I would give myself 50/50 on the log thing...then I would thank the crowd and show myself out.

Moot point. These are Heat fans. Unless the clerk explains it to them at checkout, they'll still buy it.

What terrible people. How is the NBA supposed to make any money if you just reuse old jerseys instead of burning them and buying new ones?

My husband painstakingly un-stitched all the letters/numbers on his. He kept them though! He'll be taking it to the local tailor soon I'm sure. (I'm not sewing that crap back on.)

Well, most of the SCOTUS's decisions regarding fast food have not really been covered by the liberal media, but with a little digging you can find some established precedents that may have an impact on King v. Clown.