

That is the look of a man that has seen some shit..

Comment of the day right there..Bravo

Get well soon Drew!! 

Del Taco Epic Scrambler Steak Burrito is my fast food goto

Agree 100%. More than anything I want Ted Cruz to go down in flames tonight. 

Legit laughed out loud reading that. Take your star!

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite time of year!!!!!!!

Damn that was savage!!! And I cant stop laughing..take your star

Gotta say Braun took it like a champ too. Anyone else wouldve been out after that right hand!! 

Sara’s “I dont know...” look after tagging out really sells it for me..

I mustve missed that! Too bad I already deleted my recording to go back and watch again! 

Came here for this and was not disappointed!! Take your star!!

When questioned about why he attacked, the dog responded
“Sorry, no speak English..”

I could only get through about 2 min of that video before I started tearing up. This should be required listening for anyone who tries to defend this practice as OK

Was it me, or did she take that power bomb pretty bad? Her head looked like it snapped back and hit the mat really hard. The fact that she fell out of the ring afterwards very sloppily made me think she really did get her bell rung there.

A chinese/seafood buffet that we visit has an automatic 10% surcharge added to the bill in lieu of tipping. We still sometimes leave an extra couple of dollars if the wait staff was on point or if our little guy makes a mess.

I dont think he was there. Anyone have any info on this?

Not me sir..
“Young lady?”
No thank you..
“No, no..I was offering him a young lady..”