
When that whole “Rey Mysterio is going to be Cena’s opponent at Wrestlemania 34” rumor was going around I was hoping they would use that stupid title switch as the reason for the feud. Something along the lines of “You robbed me of my moment”.

Thats it..Shut it down..COTY!!!!

Did anyone else think the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo was gonna pop up on the pager at the end? I thought for sure it was Coulson he was reaching out to. But Captain Marvel is good too!!

HA!! This is my favorite one!! Kudos!

I thought of that as well. Baszler/Moon is exactly how you book a dramatic submission ending. They couldve had Asuka try to roll out of the hold a few times, maybe even break the hold by grabbing the ropes. Establish the whole “How much damage has been done to Asuka’s knee??” thing for a few minutes. Maybe have Asuka

C) Asuka tapping IMMEDIATELY. Submissions to me work best when the story climaxes with a struggle or a noticable injury taken advantaged of.

THIS!!! I couldnt believe how quickly she tapped!! There was no drama, no her hanging on for dear life trying to reach the ropes. No reversal attempt. Nothing!!

I wouldve LOVED if when Shawn tagged “God” in, Vince and Shane started selling as if some invisible force was attacking them

I cringed a little each time he took a bump on Tuesday. Really hoping he plays it safe going forward.

This needs more stars

Same. I cringed a little each time he took a bump.

Thats like on “Fear The Walking Dead” this past season when the inhabitants of the ranch were infected with anthrax and the majority were up and ready to fight again after one day of antibiotic treatments..

It also looks like she goes all Ryback and misses the table almost completely. HHH even tries to sorta crawl back towards the center of the table after he lands.

Kelce is gonna be announced as the 6th participant of the Elimination Chamber next Monday on RAW..

Stephen Hawking

I marked out for the ICOPRO banner!

I’m playing this on the WiiU and can confirm its all there

I found that with the swinging metal spike balls, you can burn the first one down with a fire arrow.


I think the best part is Blake throwing up his arms in disgust after

Ugh, I STILL havent forgotten about that!! I honestly wondered afterwards if he threw that at-bat on purpose because it was SO bad!!